About 49,500 people took their own lives last year in the U.S., the highest number ever, according to new government data posted Thursday.

  • Impassionata@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    We’re men helping men over here.

    No, you’re posting online.

    Do you personally volunteer at a battered women’s shelter? Then you’re a male ally.

    Do you personally volunteer at a suicide hotline? Then you’re a man helping other men (when those men call in).

    Otherwise I suspect, admitting that I don’t know you, that you think that you’re on a team that’s the good guys, and that you’re the only game in town, and you’re threatened that I don’t expect feminism to be something that it can’t and shouldn’t be, no matter how much ideological gymnastics are performed to try and convince men that feminism is on their side.

    If you (or your ideology) profess a belief that you’re capable of being on everyone’s side you are grandiose and delusional. Help the people you can help, especially offline, but don’t be an ideological evangelist online because that isn’t meaningful participation in our society.

    Yes we should try and make a society by everyone, for everyone. Intersectional feminism teaches us that the way to do this is to listen to the people with the experience, not the ideology which you, @surewhynotlem, are centering.

    • surewhynotlem@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      What I do is speak with troubled anti-women men online to help them understand it’s not us vs them, it’s all of us vs the system.

      Don’t gatekeep assistance by setting an arbitrary bar. It’s unhelpful.

      • Impassionata@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        And what I do is speak with anti-women men online without trying to convert them to an ideology which is based around helping women.

        Don’t gatekeep assistance by setting an arbitrary bar. It’s unhelpful.

        fuck off? like do you understand how incoherent you are here? no, how could you, your entire ideology is based on the incoherent contradiction of feminism-for-women and feminism-for-everyone.

        This is weak.