As quoted from the linked post.

It looks like you’re part of one of our experiments. The logged-in mobile web experience is currently unavailable for a portion of users. To access the site you can log on via desktop, the mobile apps, or wait for the experiment to conclude.

This is separate from the API issue. This will actually BLOCK you from even viewing reddit on your phone without using the official app. link in case the post is removed.

  • Sphere
    1 year ago

    Tapping on a Reddit link from mobile has mostly been pretty similar to this already for me. They have had an issue with DDG mobile browser for ages, refused to show more than a page of content and kept prompting me to “get the app”, which didn’t seem to recognise my third-party Reddit app… So I just hit the back button. Just recently, oddly, I noticed it had started working, but I’m in the habit of ignoring Reddit links on mobile anyway now so almost never go there whether it works or not.