I’m just curious for the new or existing people? Lemmy.ml has taken a hard turn to the right since the reddit exodus. There’s been a lot of pro-imperialist propaganda being posted on world news, and a lot less diversity of opinion. It feels more neoliberal and neo-con to me.

Does anyone want to share what their political leanings are?

I’ll start; I’m anti-imperialist pro-state regulated capitalism. I believe we should have usage based taxes (toll roads, carbon tax) and luxury taxes, and I disagree with wealth taxes for people with less than $250 million. The state should spend more money on consumer protection in all industries (environment, health, finance, etc.) I believe in multipolarity vs. US hegemony.

  • angstylittlecatboy
    1 year ago

    Vaguely progressive (I live in the USA, I think country is usually important when discussing ideology)

    I believe in crushing the Christian theocrats, building back up social safety nets including universal healthcare, wealth taxes, gun control but not an outright gun ban (some people from other countries, often Canadians and Finns, think they have a gun ban when they do not,) active efforts to improve relations with Mexico and Canada, I think the government doesn’t do enough to prepare for a post-US hegemony world, I think we should de-escalate with China, we should reduce the need for personal car usage, and…I don’t have anything that even resembles a policy proposal here but we need to combat enshittification (it is embarrassing that the most effective regulatory body against US tech companies is the European Union.) Also Mark Zuckerberg should be on death row.