How is everyone enjoying Reddthat & the Fediverse at large?

Any cool communities you have found?
Are you going to go back to Reddit now that the blackouts are ending?

Also, anyone got any good ideas on how we can improve Reddthat?

  • Parched_Monkey
    1 year ago

    I’m quite enjoying the Fediverse at the moment, though I do think it will take some time to both adjust and for communities to get more active.
    I do think I’ll use this more than reddit now, but I’ll see what happens. Only thing I really miss on Reddthat is a downvote button

    • TiffOPMA
      1 year ago

      I’m glad you’re enjoying it!
      Yeah activity wise it’s hard especially when the mindset is wanting to enjoy content, and not generating content. Where we need lots of people generating content, commenting and voting to make it a lovely place to be.

      You think we should bring it back? How do you think it would benefit us as a community?

      • Parched_Monkey
        1 year ago

        I do think we should bring it back, but I had to think about the why for a while.
        Part of me just wants it back because I got used to it on reddit, but I do think it has some purpose, such as:

        -it makes it feel like your vote counts more, as not doing anything with a bad/unfit post sometimes doesn’t feel like enough
        -seeing a post or comment downvoted to oblivion shows the opinion of the community better than it just having no upvotes, as that can also be seen as the thing not being seen
        -not having the option to downvote could skew peoples judgement on some bad posts, as any post’ll get upvotes regardless of how bad it is, and downvotes would balance that a lot better.

        I don’t know if this is sufficient reason to actually bring it back, but I at least wanted to share my two cents on this matter.

        • TiffOPMA
          1 year ago

          Thank you for the indepth reasoning.

          My biggest concern was abuse of the downvote and what that could mean in the fediverse, when an instance accepts any I guess the same could be said of course for the upvote as well.

      • Givesomefucks
        1 year ago

        A lot of people view posts on other instances than what they signed up for.

        So removing it from people on reddthat, just means they can’t downvote, here or anywhere else. Someone from somewhere else can come here and downvote just fine as well.

        So you risk people signing up somewhere else just to get it back. And I’m not entirely sure what you gain by not having it.

        • TiffOPMA
          1 year ago

          Thanks for the point about other instances, especially if that instance does allow downvotes. I would class this as a bug in the UI / edge case the dev’s have not thought of.

          Someone from somewhere else can come here and downvote just fine as well

          This can’t happen actually :) When you disable downvotes for an instance, if another person downvotes it, that downvote is not accepted by us. So for an example:

          • Post on Reddthat has 5 votes
          • A user (user@ins.tance) on an instance with downvotes enabled, clicks downvote.
          • The post on Reddthat still has 5 votes, (because we do not accept downvotes)
          • The post from the user’s perspective on “ins.tance” has 4 votes.

          This is part of the power of the fediverse, and all about the “Truth”-ness which is explained better here:

          Again, I’m certainly not against it and because the UI does not take that into account this would be a good reason we enable it. That coupled with the feeling of “your vote counts more” could make it worth while.
          I think it was one of those things that was either the Default option, or when creating the server I looked at a few of the other ones and saw they were all leaving downvotes disabled, and left it like that too.

          I’ll make another post about it and we’ll try and gauge how the community feels to see what to do.