• 6 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: January 18th, 2024

  • It’s the fact that he’s a Putin stooge and an information terrorist.

    and you’re a lying sack of shit.

    He has all the secrets, everyone’s,

    how the fuck would he have “everyone’s secrets”?!!!

    but only releases those that help his and his benefactors political views, and withholding secrets that hurt his side,

    no, they only release those that they have and that they can verify

  • the action is stupid, not the people, necessary.

    and how does posting a wikipedia article to general topics like “ExxonMobil climate change denial” supposedly apply to gluing yourself to an airport runway?
    a link that’s just a keyword search to pictures of Earth Day 1970???
    you’re pretending like you’re responding to me with some proof, but you’re just sea lioning.

    why not go block an oil refinery, some shipping ports where oil is being loaded onto trucks? DDOS exxon’s backend online? throw feces an exxon ceo’s?

    it’s a stupid fucking tactic and don’t you dare pretend like i’m talking about the concept of protesting climate change in general.

    i’m talking about people like you tricking people like them into harming themselves.
    and you’re awful.

  • one reason the blm protests were so virulent, in portland, is the Portland Police Bureau doesn’t investigate crimes….
    my friend had a prowler in her back yard, going through all her stuff and shed….
    she called the cops multiple times and they didn’t even show up.
    they’re a criminal gang… they’ve even been caught selling confiscated drugs and controlling the prices in the city….
    not even a conspiracy theory but something they’ve been caught doing….
    they just really don’t give a fuck… i’ve talked to many people about it.
    btw, from the article:

    Even if they were to go door-to-door conducting interviews throughout the building, which they say remains an option, most people do, in fact, own at least one or two canned goods, making investigating this bizarre situation increasingly difficult.

    yeah, so they haven’t even knocked on doors and asked around…

  • nah, this is one of those “shills running the activists” examples.
    a. self-mangling is a good way to discourage sympathy or participation.
    b. disrupting a bunch of random travelers, and actually endangering them because planes are in the air and need to land… so, not helpful in getting sympathy for the cause… just press coverage… which will be mostly negative.
    c. there are a lot more direct ways to cause disruption, and a lot more sympathetic, less self-harming tactics to get press coverage… and much much much more effective than delaying some flights at one airport for a few hours… this is peak stupidity at worse, but more likely, peak infiltration…
    e. did i mention it even fucks up the activists physically!!! it’s so fucking stupid and counter productive