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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • It started as a name to use against militaristic anarchists that argued that only violence can save us.

    Now it seems more like something MAGA uses obfuscate and confuse. It’s very VERY similar to Pinko from the Macarthy era.

    “I don’t like what you say; but you used some keywords that match with this word I’ve heard other people use against you so I’ll use it too”

    Ultimately it’s playground name calling when the other person isn’t listening. (Or a bot or paid troll )

    As an anarcho communist, I’m still voting for Biden because I’m not A FUCKING MORON… (Not name calling. This is fact backed by evidence 😉) and this whole business annoys me.

  • How about this argument. Just a quality ratio.

    2 large delivery pizzas, to the door: $50 all in. $25per

    2 good quality frozen pizzas: $12. $6 per

    So we could say that delivery is four TIMES better… and based on price/quality alone… they’re equal to frozen.

    (I think we all know I’m not proposing an actual serious argument. But the cost difference is wild)

  • Although I don’t think the tradwife stuff these days is actually anything more than insincere propaganda. Instead of “both sides” I think it might be more healthy to say “most people” especially people just struggling to survive. Politics aside.

    We’re all seeing things getting worse and angry that we can’t seem to do anything about it. Hecka frustrating for everyone