• 54 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: February 15th, 2024


  • Something (maybe Alexandrite") borked the link for me. If anyone else has the same issue, here you go:


    And yeah, that’s nasty. I had to get my earwax flushed out once. It was unpleasant and super gross, and I’ve used the specialized peroxide solutions a couple of times in the years since. My wife has the dry wax gene, and finds wet wax both gross and confusing.

    The only thing I’ll add is that having used a cheap camera earwax cleaner, the magnification makes every normal little waxbooger look like a Star Trek brain slug, so while still dramatic (don’t get me wrong), the videos always look just a touch more dramatic than they really are.

  • Yup. I don’t doubt he has a lot of confidence in his entire team, but NASA really come off as the adults in the room here. “Move fast and break things” only works if it’s easy to fix or replace them or if no one would miss them. Hubble is a useful scientific instrument and would be ungodly expensive and involve not-insignificant danger to replace, so I can completely understand if they ultimately decide it’s not worth risking 5-10 more years of data on the hope that his wanting to play-act Starfleet includes the boring preparation parts.

  • LD pulls a bit of The Orville bait-and-switch where the humor never goes away, but there’s clearly Star Trek bones under there and over the course of the first season it commits more to that than to being an anarchic romp. Frankly, while I enjoy both, I like LD a lot more than the Orville, which has some of the worst acting I’ve ever seen on network television, tends to resolve most (though not all) moral dilemmas by just aggressively picking a side, and cannot escape Seth MacFarlane’s obsession with American pop culture, circa 1950-2000.

  • …people were upset it wasn’t followed up on in Rise of Skywalker.

    Fair warning, I am coming at this as a fan of TLJ who found it really worked for me after falling in love with Star Wars as a little kid in 1983, but one of the great sins of TROS is exactly that.

    Every movie before that had its retcons, sometimes pretty significant, but no movie simply rolled back the previous one or refused to engage with it like TROS did. I’ve been forced to accept that there is pretty significant contingent who didn’t connect with TLJ like I did, but Disney and JJ took absolutely the wrong lesson from the backlash in how they responded. The fans who care that deeply view an installment they don’t care for as an annoying relative, but one one to be addressed, rehabilitated if possible, explained if not. Dave Filoni built his entire career on this.

  • “Mason Classical Academy”

    If folks don’t know, in the charter school world, “Classical Academies” are often code for right wing indoctrination. The idea is that if you just focus on the “classics” of western education and their direct descendants, then HEY NOW! Suddenly Rudyard Kipling is your best insight into Indian literature, and Joseph Conrad into African. The American founding fathers were totally into Roman republicanism! The King James Bible is literally poetry! What is a Chinua Achebe anyway?!?!?!?!?!?

    It’s an inherently conservative idea that a viable totality of useful knowledge is contained within books that are all part of the western canon circa 1937, so even if a few schools engage in it in good faith, a watered down version offered at the primary and secondary levels is just catnip for those who want to engage in a little brain washing at the public expense.

    Edit: This MCA is likely a little less explicitly creepy than some, but it’s an E.D. Hirsch “Core Knowledge Foundation” school that is designed to hammer home a certain set of facts and cultural touchstones, rather than worrying about the emotional well being or broad-based thinking skills that a good modern curriculum will include. It’s basically the old story of “old person sees kids don’t know everything he was taught, lashes out at schools,” if it were from a curmudgeonly English professor. It almost certainly draws the same type of parents and administrators that other Classical Academies do.