• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I know that for FDA or BSI we can’t offer anything at all. We can’t even let them use our building water to drink, they must bring there own water.

    One time we worked with the FDA to help expose some new auditors to a real audit(we were not really being audited but told to treat it like a real audit). One of the new auditors didn’t bring anything to drink, assuming there would be water provided. Nope, the senior auditor made them sit there all morning being thirsty and when we broke for lunch the new auditor went across the street to CVS and bought a bottle of water. I felt kind of bad for them. But every other day they arrived with a big bottle of water :-D

  • vrek@programming.devtoNostalgia@lemmy.caYak Bak (1994)
    11 days ago

    When I was a kid I had one of those. My parents bought it from a TV repair store. It was a combination 6" TV, audio tape player, and am/fm radio.

    It was about 2 feet by 2 feet and about 8 inches thick. It weighed about 20 pounds. It has a carry handle though so I guess it was “portable”…

  • vrek@programming.devto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonejob rule
    14 days ago

    This a actually worked out for a co-worker. He interviewed for a position and the interview went of like 6 hours. He waited 6 months and never heard anything. He applied for another position at my company. Different team, lower pay and not in his specialized field. He got that job. Another 3 months and the boss for the first job called him and said their initial hire didn’t work out and asked if he was still interested.

    He laughed and said he was already working but would be interested. The boss asked where he was working. He replied “I’m actually down stairs”.

    He got the job, more money then the initial offer and he was happy in the new position. Probably an unlikely event and I wouldn’t recommend trying to duplicate it.

  • I am NT but here is my take…

    1. Typically any holiday is spent with your partner (if possible, exceptions can be made in advance… “I’m sorry I can’t spend fourth of July with you, I need to work on that day” for example)

    2. Discuss limits, periodically confirm limits haven’t changed. Maybe hanging out at a beach with a different potential partner is a limit. Maybe having dinner alone with a different potential partner is a limit. Maybe kissing is a limit. Maybe sex is a limit. Maybe the gender matters, if your partner is same gender as the other person may increase the limit(if your partner is a girl, she may not be ok with your kissing a girl but if fine with you kissing a guy for example). All these vary by partner.

    3. Communicate… Why is she upset? Was it timing? Would what you did be ok next weekend for example? Was it the activity? If you saw a movie with your friend would that be ok?

    4. I don’t mean to be offensive about this one. Why did you leave your partner to spend time with another person? Did you not like spending time with your girlfriend? Did you prefer to be around your friend? Did you just need a break of the party but it’s awkward to return to the party afterwards? Do you just not like that type of party and that’s why you left?

    All of these will influence your relationship. The biggest is going to be 3… Communicate communicate communicate. Discuss these questions with your partner and you should have a better idea of what is acceptable and what isnt going forward.

  • Another fun similar idea is drunk chess. Each piece has a value(for example pawns is 1), there are tables you can look up it’s standard in chess. Each piece you take, you take its value in shots(highly recommend shots of beer). There are strategies this brings up. For example your opponent hangs a queen in early game, you can take it but now you would need to 6 shots making you likely to mess up the late game.

  • So one of the reasons I’m moving is to get away from this. I have this intersection by my apartment. A few hundred feet behind the assassin is a highway intersection, and the road the victim is coming from has 4 huge apartment complexes.

    There is no light. Making a left there(which leads to a outdoor mall) during rush hour requires atleast 3 virgin sacrifices…