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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Neither of those points invalidate the idea presented.

    Just because it’s not a uniform distribution doesn’t mean the average changes. Most people learning a thing earlier in life doesn’t change the average rate. Even if literally every single person learned a given fact on their ninth birthday, that still averages out to the same rate.

    As for your second point, you’re conflating “things everyone knows” with “knowing everything”. Obviously people who are 80 still don’t know everything, but it’s not unreasonable to assume they share a pool of common knowledge most of which was accumulated in their early life.

    And even if both of those things were valid criticisms, the thing you’re calling out as “inaccurate pseudoscience” is the suggestion that people shouldn’t be ridiculed for not knowing things, rather we should enjoy the opportunity to share knowledge.

  • vithigar@lemmy.catoPC Gaming@lemmy.caASUS Scammed Us
    9 days ago

    Same here. Sent back a ASUS video card for warranty service within the past couple of years. Was updated in a fairly timely fashion that they were able to reproduce my issue and a replacement card was sent to me without fuss. No issues at all.

    Though there was one odd factor where I sent the card back in its original TUF branded box and it came back in a Strix box. That doesn’t really impact the quality of the service though.