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  • 25 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • Well, I’m simply reciting what is described on the page based on my understanding. From the diagram, it does not do raw frame processing from the source (assuming HDMI w/ HDCP) as the stream remains encrypted. By the look of it, it is copy or passthrough to the muxer (as it labeled). With some magic, it muxes two encrypted streams into one and output to the video sink. How is that done I have no idea.

  • As OP said volume leveling is acceptable, something like this will do.

    Modifying HDMI video signal is simply impossible due to DMCA and bla bla bla. But not all hope is lost though. You can overlay opaque video on top of another encrypted stream via this little box. This is an old project per se and I have no idea if still available, but with some dirty work you might able to detect the increase of volume or match of an algo or something with a total black screen overlay on top.