• 18 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Yeah, but

    1. Using a tool that allows you to build using OBS once, and distribute for all distros is already a solution that makes it possible to target all of Linux.

    2. Flatpak’s sandbox isn’t really doing much for security/privacy as addressed by this: https://flatkill.org/2020 (Main concerns relate to pretty much every app escaping the sandbox making the sandbox essentially useless, and concerns that application runtimes bundled with flatpak are far less likely to be updated and patched than dependencies on your host system, and runtimes often actively contain security holes that are unpatched for runtime versions still used by applications.


    I have to agree that if it gets companies to support more Linux software, then I’m sure we can deal with it. HOWEVER, there is another issue, the issue of confusion. After all, isn’t one of the main reasons for trying to get more software on Linux, to use that software to get more people to use Linux? For that we need a more user-friendly approach, we need to figure out how to get less permissive, well, permissions, to applications, as well as to apply system theming by default (I know theming is controversial with the whole “don’t theme my apps” debacle but I think it would be great to have

    AND YES, this post was mostly an experiment to see what people think and how they’d react to differing opinions different from the status quo. I’m actually team Flatpak. I think what Ubuntu has recently done to improve Snap speeds is great (now if only all the apps on Snapcraft updated to implement it all), but almost no apps have taken advantage of it. AppImage shows some promise in its simplicity, but that sacrifices a lot of usability and makes a lot of the improvements seen in snap and especially in Flatpak near-impossible (for example theming and .desktop file support).

    I’ll be honest, probably the only issues I have with flatpak are:

    1. having to type the whole thing. What I mean is running “flatpak run one.ablaze.floorp” instead of just “floorp”, for example. How about we do away with the whole “org.ablaze.floorp” and make it possible to just use “floorp”, the same way you can do that during an installation! If it’s been implemented for “flatpak install”, why not “flatpak run”, and even better, why not make it into some sort of alias, where you can run, say, “floorp-flatpak” from Terminal or a Run launcher?

    2. Flatseal. I mean, Flathub has THE control center for Flatpak apps and nobody has taken it upon themselves to make this more official (this should be like a standard package imo).

    3. Also for Flatseal specifically, can we make it easier to theme (gtk and qt) apps, (like a dropdown or something?) instead of having to look up the envvar name because I can’t remember it?

    4. Can we find a way to force apps that don’t really need full filesystem permissions to remove that? Maybe just have certain user folders, like Downloads and Pictures instead of the entire home directory as most apps simply don’t need this level of access? Maybe make the Flathub team decide on a case by case basis if the app really needs all that access and ask the dev to restrict that as a requirement for being added to Flathub? If you claim to offer security and privacy, might as well prove it.

    I think that’s about it.

  • The only times Arch broke for me were when I broke it. There were 2 exceptions, however.

    1. I once went a long time (a few weeks) without updating and I had issues relating to keys and the pacman keyring. Luckily, Erik Dubois had a video about exactly that and the system was fixed within <30 minutes (including finding the video and watching it)

    2. The other time my computer turned off during an update which involved updating the kernel so my system broke (I can’t remember if I turned it off or if it ran out of battery). I recovered it using live media, chrooting and doing an update again from inside the chroot, which fixed it. Once again, took about 30 mins.

    Every other case of breakage was caused by me actively tinkering with the system.

    I should note that this doesn’t include minor issues like some configuration no longer working because of an update or something like that, as 1. this isn’t a system-level breakage and 2. it isn’t Arch’s fault.

  • I believe Iced will replace Qt and GTK in the coming years

    Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?

    In all seriousness, that sounds like an impossible dream, kinda like the “year of the Linux desktop”.

    The only question I have with regards to Iced is, how flexible is its theming, cuz COSMIC’s theming is not that flexible. It’s alright, but not the best.

  • Are you serious? Every sane desktop is working on accessibility. I recently heard from System76 that they’re putting in the effort for COSMIC, we have GNOME focusing a portion of that €1 million they got from Germany, on accessibility (last I heard, they’re working on cross-desktop solutions). Now, I don’t remember hearing much from Plasma on accessibility, but I think it’s fair to assume they’re also working on it.

  • Roblox disabled the use of wine again recently

    Oh no, now what? More intrusive anticheat that nobody asked for or needed? Sorry for the outdated information, then. I haven’t used Roblox in months (rant incoming), as I largely kept it around for a single game, until the solo dev essentially turned to his fanbase and said “screw you” (Bee swarm simulator). And I was there since pretty much the beginning. My friends found it around release back in Spring 2018, and I started playing in the summer of 2019, so I was technically one of the oldest players, though there were players older and better than me.

    ANYWAYS, rant aside,

    Office online will never match true Office, but when used in a combination with LibreOffice and OnlyOffice it can get really close for Word, PowerPoint replacement. But NOT for Excel. I once needed to view a spreadsheet with VB macros (a grade calculator) and I managed to get it to work, BUT when I was doing my coursework where I actively needed to use Excel, I just stuck to doing it on a Windows machine.

  • Yeah, I use Clickbait Remover, Sponsorblock, Improve Youtube (or ImprovedTube), Distraction-Free Youtube, Return Youtube Dislike, and of course, Ublock Origin, to make Youtube work well for me. That’s 6 extensions, 5 of which are about Youtube only. 5/11 of my extensions are for Youtube Only.

    For anyone curious, the others are enhanced-264-ify, User Agent Switcher, Dark Reader, Brave Search and Tabliss.