Profile avatar is “melting face” by Liz Bravo. CC BY-SA 4.0 | I am not affiliated with OpenMoji

I promote software freedom.

  • 7 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • A notable part of Evan Boehs getting Truth Social to be AGPL complaint is that they are not the copyright holder, which gives a lot of hope. An “end user” suing for compliance hasn’t been concluded in court yet (there is one in process SFC vs [edit] Vizio). If that succeeds then perhaps getting compliance will be easier in the future!

    Sadly getting compliance also includes them just engineering the non-compliant code out - so they enjoy the use of free software for some time without ever giving back.

  • There are many companies that violate the GPL by not sharing their modified code on redistribution. Eventually they comply on request or lawsuit (in thanks to the Software Freedom Conservancy). It’s not the contribution OP is after (direct project interaction) but I consider getting access to their changes to be °giving back to the community°.

    If it’s one dude not contributing back I ain’t that worrried but if it’s a big company then that ain’t good. It’s doing free work which could have been paid for (if not to yourself then to someone else doing the work for pay). Also, I value software freedom so I consider proprietary software to be harmful in of itself.

  • MIT may attract more people… but why would that be people who would contribute back in the direct you want? I’ve seen many MIT extentions for Godot, maybe they would have some insight.

    Most indie devs make their MIT Godot games proprietary and I doubt peer pressure has ever stopped companies from taking MIT work and making it proprietary before. If software freedom of your users is important then the copyleft aspect is an important way to protect their freedom. Imo, not worth losing that on the off-chance it all goes well.