super_mario_69 [he/him, comrade/them]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2021


  • My phone (pixel 4a) is getting too fucked up to use. I could try replacing the screen and the battery, but not only is that a huge hassle and a rather risky operation, but the parts alone are more expensive than just getting a new phone. But I don’t want to get a new one because all new phones are so god damned huge. I have super long weird spider fingers, and the pixel 4a is already at the limit of what I would consider comfortable. mfs calling 6.3" “compact”. Who the fuck are these 6.7" monstrosities made for??? Who wants this shit??? What the fuck??? I fucking love all this freedom of choice and capitalist innovation we’re having. FUCK

  • Few things are as uninteresting as listening to someone else’s dream, but this one felt different. I had a scary realistic dream last night that the skyscrapers in Helsinki were destroyed by some kind of fucked up artillery shells that burned them to a husk in an instant, and only left the burned out skeleton of the buildings standing. It was during a fireworks display, and three of the boomy sounds were a lot more ominous and deep, and then a few moments later the shells came and hit the buildings at the same time.

    That was scary enough, but I remember being more scared about what the potential reaction will be. Everyone will blame the russians, of course. People were already frothing with bloodlust in the direct aftermath, including the friends I was with. That felt fucked up. But wait a minute, the shells clearly came from the northwest? And why did I hear the artillery firing? Must have been fairly close, how would the russians have gotten there? This was obviously planned to coincide with the fireworks to, idk, mask the sounds? Then I woke up relieved as heck that it was only a dream. Not looking particularly much forward to when this kind of scenario inevitably plays out in the not-too-distant future.

  • yea

    I’m kind of in the same boat. I do rather enjoy my work as a software developer (or rather, I don’t actively hate doing it), but the impostor complex combined with my typical ADHD lack of ability to get the “boring stuff” out of the way can get pretty rough. The first couple of years or so at my current job was mostly just staring blankly at the screen for (n) hours and feeling like I was doing just barely enough (i.e. 20%-30%), all while panicking because I wanted to make a good impression and keep the job, and being afraid of someone catching on and getting me fired. Apparently I did something right though, because I’m still employed after several rounds of layoffs, and it almost seems like my colleagues are starting to consider me a “senior developer?” I can’t say I’m any more efficient these days, and the apparent “job security” makes me a lot less stressed out and worried. Therapy has helped a lot too with getting rid of the impostor thoughts. It might even be that I was always actually good at this job, just the constant thoughts that “I could do more” was fucking me up.

    I struggle a lot with the same thing of wanting to do all sorts of other amazing things that I KNOW I’m capable of. I want to make a video game, I want to do more shader programming, I want to reverse engineer proprietary bullshit, but god damn jesus who has the energy for that after work? On the other hand, I also know myself well enough to know that if I quit my job to focus on the aforementioned amazing things, I’d feel the exact same things. “Man I should really be doing that thing right now, I quit my job for this, oh jeez why am I not doing it?” etc etc. That leads me to believe it’s less of a problem with my lack of ability, and has more to do with the standards I hold myself to. It’s would be quite unsustainable to always work at that 400% efficiency hyperfocus godmode (though it would be nice to be able to tap into it more often), so it’s not reasonable of me to have that as the baseline of “doing well” and “being productive”. If that makes any sense. I’m still working through this stuff.

    As for meds, I take 28mg methylphenidate every morning. Honestly it often feels like it doesn’t do anything at all. Though if I don’t take it, the executive dysfunction gets turned up to 1000, so I guess it probably does something, it’s just very subtle some times. 56mg was way too god damn much and made me all jittery and anxious. Anyway, I think of it less like some magic pill I can take to magically make me neurotypical (which it kind of felt like when I initially started taking it), and more like a slight push in the right direction. Lowers the threshold for my brain machine to go “hey, weren’t we supposed to do this other, important thing rn?” rather than just ignoring it and coping with the anxiety with bullshit while the pressure builds and builds and builds. I still have to actually do the thing, but the meds make it a little bit easier to convince myself to at least think about it.

    Solidarity with your struggle.