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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2024


  • While Hitchens is a bit of an arrogant blowhard. He’s not wrong, they are all mostly wrong with Buddhists being an interesting outlier. The truth is much easier and obvious than “some guy sitting in a cloud smiting us for being what it created us to be”. Think how boring that would eventually get. You want your projects to work, how frustrating would it be to be so incompetent this was all unintentional. God(the admin of this little zone) does not play dice.

  • I’m 40yrs old. I voted for Hillary. I HATE the democrats, I HATE the republicans. Not once in 40yrs have they successfully reduced the budget, the closest was Clinton and we see how that turned out “erry budy gets a chek instead of healthy deflation”, both parties have ruled during severe drops in quality of living standards, both parties have to destroyed peoples lives with the failed war on drugs. Both parties are the finger puppets for the 1%. I refuse to play their game, we lose no matter what. Vote for your drug war baron that got famous for arresting people for marijuana possession. Vote for your conman that ruins small businesses by refusing to pay for their services. Both think you’re an idiot, and they can’t wait until your turn to be vulnerable to them. But sure, by not voting for the douche you are supporting the turd sandwich, in the same way by not getting a diesel gas car your supporting electric vehicles.

  • So Nazi’s eh? I hate Nazi’s. Let’s unravel this knotted beast a bit. If the Brazilian citizens are posting illegal content, arrest them. Forcefully cut off their internet, -snip snip- done, seize their bank accounts, works on Russia. It should never be the job of a privately owned corporation to enforce the law when the law is perfectly capable of neutralizing the offending entities and enforcing the rules it’s own damn self, are they going to make it illegal for Walmart to sell them a cell phone? Couldn’t they just create a new account with a new email over VPN? Wouldn’t it be easier if the citizens are breaking the law to arrest them rather than take away their Twitter account? I am not a fan of that fat musky sum bitch, but there is literally no reason that judge has to go after X(I really hate that name), other than he’s swinging his dick around and doesn’t like to be told to put some damn underwear on. Arrest the citizens if they are breaking the law, if they aren’t breaking the law then what gives anyone the right to silence them? Just an egomaniac judge with no actual laws backing him and a tiny shvance facing off against a megalomaniac with a tiny shvance that consistently protects only the free speech he agrees with. There. Unknotted. If the people of Brazil want Nazi propaganda to end in a prison sentence, it should be law, and then all Twitter has to do is the same thing it does with other illegal content, turn over the user to the authorities and wash their hands of the mess. Not some judge unilaterally making free speech decisions(even in Brazil)

  • If people could only share useful information that helps people like this, the world would be a better place. Search out the deficiencies, tell others how to satiate them once you find the way!!! Vitamin D, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, and Kelp(for iodine, but kelp allows for enormous idodine intake). Those vitamins all work together and help you to feel great!

  • Mighty big leap in logic to assume all those youngsters would vote democrat. More Democrat Vs Republican bullshit. Ya know what it would look like if we had “no confidence” as an option? No one other than biden would have actually won presidency in the last 40yrs. That’s what would happen if our voting system was fixed. Not some imaginary blue wave for k Harris. That’s literally opium pipe dreams. Not voting is more indicative of hating the voting options than it is of apathy. They fear the actual will of the people, its why we won’t get a candidate we choose.