Mama told me not to come.

She said, that ain’t the way to have fun.

  • 36 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • It’s really nice when comparing quotes for buying down a rate, or looking at the impact of additional payments. It’s also incredibly easy to throw together. For anyone interested:

    • payment = PMT(mortage rate/12, mortgage term * 12, -initial principle)
    • interest = (mortgage rate/12) * remaining principle
    • principle payment = payment - interest
    • new principle = prev principle - principle payment

    Throw that into a spreadsheet and drag down. Add a SUM() to figure out total interest paid or whatever. I have a VLOOKUP() to calculate interest for the current year for tax planning purposes, for example.

    Maybe I’ll start an unofficial weekly post about various calculations I have in my spreadsheet. I have something like 30 tabs, so surely something there is interesting to others.

  • Same, I dual booted for almost 10 years on 3 system machines and never once had it happen. But I’ve seen it reported before, so it’s something to be aware of.

    A mitigation is to have a Linux live USB to boot into to reinstall your bootloader (GRUB, systemd-boot, etc, depending on distro). I haven’t heard of Windows actually destroying partitions or data, and perhaps it doesn’t do it if your boot partition doesn’t look like a Windows boot partition (e.g. it’s a different filesystem), IDK. But learning to reinstall the bootloader from a live CD isn’t that hard (usually just running one or two commands).

    So, you’ll probably be fine, just do a little research first if you’re nervous.

  • Ikr? Where I grew up (near Seattle), there were tons of great Thai places, and it really didn’t matter which one I went to, it would be pretty good.

    Where I’m at now (near SLC, Utah), it’s all sweetened, bland crap. It’s decently good, but it’s nothing like what I grew up with. The most popular places here are essentially franchised, and they all taste bland and sweet instead of properly spiced.

    The good places are the small restaurants closer to downtown. The interior decoration is less fancy, but the food is way better.

  • Nah, it’s getting better every year. Adding crappy games doesn’t change the huge backlog of great games I have.

    My response to the points:

    1. Don’t buy games until reviews are good - don’t buy on release day, and certainly don’t preorder
    2. See 1
    3. See 1, but replace “games” with “PC hardware”
    4. We probably need a law here, but until then, see 1
    5. This is stupid. Buy indies, they don’t pull this crap.

  • I played around with some numbers, and it seems a lot of my concerns about RMDs are completely unfounded.

    I’ve had a very basic Social Security and ACA calculator in my spreadsheet for a couple years now, but I think I was doing the math all wrong with inflation (nominal investment returns, and today’s tax, ACA, etc limits), so I’ll end up with plenty of time to convert my pretax accounts to Roth. I was concerned that I’d need to balance ACA reported income to optimize health care costs and converting enough pretax to not pay a ton when I take Social Security.

    So I put everything together using today’s dollars and simulated what a withdrawal strategy would look like, and I’ll probably be more concerned with rationing my pretax space to not have to deal with Medicaid, rather than not being able to convert enough. It’s amazing what a few percent in the wrong places can do!

    Anyway, what simulations do you do? Are there any simulations you’d like to do, but don’t know where to start?