• 378 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • The fact that airplane travel is safer than cars is a myth invented to promote airplane travel. Well, it is not fully a myth, but to get to that result they measure per mile, and that greatly favor airplane travel. If you instead measure how likely you are to die on your next trip, then the dangers of airplane travel will significantly exceed car travel and other means of transportation.

  • One breaking change, that they doesn’t list as breaking (I guess since I assume the old was always broken) is: Dynamic registration of LSP capabilities. An implication of this change is that checking a client’s server_capabilities is no longer a sufficient indicator to see if a server supports a feature. Instead use client.supports_method(<method>). It considers both the dynamic capabilities and static server_capabilities.

    So if you had code like

    if client.server_capabilities.inlayHintProvider then

    you now should use

    if client.supports_method("inlayHintProvider") then

    So, not really a breaking change I guess, but something you should change any way.