• 34 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • as frustrating

    I do not know Windows administration at all. So half of my frustration is definetly by the lack of knowledge.

    But I also am scratching my head about so many things that are not clear.\

    1. Let’s say you need to manage ~10 workstations with dozens of programs and tools installed and keep them up-to-date, what tools Windows have build in for that?\
    2. An update broke. On Linux there are wikis explaining exactly what command like “dnf update” do, what files are replaced and I can check logs. On Windows all I know is that update go to some % and rollback, how can I know more?

  • I have Raspberry Pi 4B set up as TV box and for my own media like Kodi or Jellyfin, barely handles 4K but works. And I like how I can sync files or remote control seamlessly because it’s standard Linux not Android.

    For mainstream streaming I really discourage form even trying, it’s a mess. If you plan to run any type of DRM media you already are on the lost position and might as well buy cheap Android TV stick for ~30$, because there would be no freedom gain with RPi, just big annoyence.

    Linux for own media.
    Android for renting.
    Raspberry Pi for Linux.
    Cheap TV stick/box for Android.

  • So what I understand uBlue is not to Fedora Atomic as Nobara is to Fedora?

    Like, I can install Silverblue and get anything with rpm-ostree, but that is an overlay on the tree (like a git patch) instead of simple changing the files like on regular distro. Because of that swapping base of the tree to new or different version take computing time, so people are free to build custom base to their needs for convenience. And uBlue is a system to build those images easly. Do it get it right? 😅