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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 1st, 2024


  • As it seems to me, who hung around with a lot of drug users back in the day, as well as regular folks: most people who are interested in trying them can and will get their hands on it regardless of legality, sometimes easily. It’s about as low risk of a crime as there is. Those who aren’t interested, won’t, again regardless of legality. There will be edge cases where somebody will go “Ah what the hell, it’s legal now, why not” and toddle on over to their local dispensary for the first time but largely speaking anybody that wants to smoke weed or snort coke is probably already doing it.

    Now what probably would change is the number of people on record using drugs, per capita, over the next few generations if it becomes normalized like alcohol has been. Which makes sense. But, counterpoint to that, in countries where they have legalized many drugs they still often have lower rates of severe addiction because they’ve generally also set up safety nets for those folks. Accessible medical care and available addiction treatment options will keep many drug users from hitting rock bottom, but we don’t really have that in the US so many users will often go unassisted in any way for ages and lose jobs and homes because of it, only getting “help” when it becomes forced upon them by the state (which is frequently not in any way helpful).

    Anyway, I’m rambling, but tl;dr it’s definitely a multifaceted situation and blanket legalization probably isn’t a great move without accompanying medical and social support, which needs to happen anyway regardless of any moves for drug legalization. Gotta walk before we can run, unfortunately.

  • I have only know about them because the internet exists.

    It’s even better than that, even with the internet existing I’d have never interacted with these bits whatsoever if it weren’t for the person in question throwing a hissy fit and trying to get something deleted off the internet. If they just laughed it off and let it slide it would have gotten about 1% of the attention currently being brought to it. We only know about this painting because she was so offended by it that she decreed no one must know about it. We only know about Barbara Streisand’s house because she decreed no one must know about it.

  • Just collate them based on edit/deletion date… Each post will have a last-edited attribute that can be used for sorting. Even more so once the AI is bootstrapped enough to start recognizing the standard protest edit messages. At that point you hardly even need human oversight anymore, because the bot will be able to recognize “that’s a fuck spez edit, ignore that; this post looks good; that’s a Shreddit/PowerDelete edit, ignore that” and so on. Can even have it fetch the previous edit automatically when it comes across something like that, to a point where a comment removed by a PowerDelete tool is nothing more than a cover letter that states “there was once a real human-generated comment in this location”.

  • Sekiro is a lot more lenient on its parrying than Souls is. Whenever you see an attack incoming just mash the hell out of the block button for 1-2 seconds, more often than not you’ll get the parry. It’s the only Fromsoft game that allows that without punishing it.

    For some later bosses you’ll have to actually get their timing down but that’ll carry you far enough through the game for you to get your feet under you.

  • Much love and good luck. I’m from Louisiana but I don’t live down that way anymore. Been hearing a lot about what the local gov is up to recently though. Things are getting rough down there. Worried about you guys.

    I don’t want to up and tell you your home isn’t safe for you, but I do advise keeping an eye open for opportunities elsewhere. There’s a reason that it’s difficult for you to find public LGBTQ+ groups down there. Don’t get so tied down in the bayou that you’re a sitting duck, know what I mean?

    In the meantime, you’re not going to be a fan of this advice, but discord is a good place to find communities. It’s a long shot, but if you find a server you like with good folks in it you can ask around and see if someone knows someone who knows someone.

    Good night, good luck 💜

  • I lost a run the other day to a series of events, one of which included me (in-game) finding and eating enough psychedelic fungus to trigger a shift in reality, which transmuted all smoke in the universe and any created thereafter, into acid. Like carbolic acid, not the fun drugsy kind.

    Acid, naturally, eats through all creatures and materials in the game world, including many things you’d consider otherwise invulnerable, until it evaporates - into flammable gas.

    Therefore any time an object or material caught fire (which is often, with or without player interference), it would quickly consume anything below it for several meters while feeding itself with flammable gas and spreading to any new flammable materials it uncovered.

    The world very quickly became a very large mess.