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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • It’s not a threat, it’s a reality here in the south. You can clutch your accelerationist pearls if you want, but that just leads to LGBT rights going back to the 50’s. I have a friend that’s an LGBT teacher in Florida, she literally committed a felony by acknowledging the existence of LGBT people.

    If there’s a revolution in the US it’s going to be y’allqueda instituting a theocracy, not the communist revolution. The only hope is shifting the Overton window back to the left over time. The current crop of Republicans have to be rendered entirely unelectable.

  • shottymcb@lemm.eetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldHuman rights
    5 days ago

    A bidet only sprays your asshole though? And it doesn’t get it’s water supply from the toilet bowl, it’s hooked up to clean water? I don’t understand why you think any of that happens.

    Edit: I read your other comments farther down, so the context changes matters. I get what you were aiming to say.

  • you cannot get positive change electorally

    You certainly can, by actually fucking voting. Not in a single election, granted, but over time. Currently we’re choosing between fascist theocracy and democracy, because people who don’t want to live in a fascist theocracy won’t fucking vote. When they do vote, and fascist theocracy is no longer a viable position, we get to choose between corrupt capitalist democracy or social democracy.