• 12 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I wasn’t talking about this exact instance. Obviously the quality of links someplace like Lemmy are going to be better than someplace like Facebook.

    It doesn’t matter, the majority of people won’t click on that in the article. It’s better to just link the paper than some other writer’s opinion/conclusion on the paper. That’s another problem we have, we read other people’s interpretation of data instead of reading it ourselves, understanding it, and coming to our own conclusion.

    But that also doesn’t solve the problem of quality of the research. Just because a paper has been written, doesn’t make it valid if the study is so small or methods are sketchy, its conclusions are useless.

  • Yeah I guess I should revise my statement. I haven’t paid the full 60-70 price for AAA game in a very long time.

    Indie games seem to be priced more fairly, most of the ones I’ve bought tend to be 20-25 dollars.

    And I’ve never bought any kind of special edition, unless it’s an older game and it comes with all the dlc bundled, like oblivion GOTY edition or something.

    But I’m also a /r/patientgamer so I don’t really see a reason to buy something just because it’s new and shiny, unless it’s some kind of multiplayer. But most of them have become such a quick burn where the player base drops after a year when the hype train moves to the next stop, I don’t really see the point in buying them

  • Yeah I really hate how gamer culture has changed. It’s non stop bitching. Yeah there can be bugs in games, it happens. Lmao you telling me there were no bugs in the games I bought on disk twenty years ago and there was no infrastructure to digitally update them? I’ve got boxes of old pc games that I can use to prove this is just something that happens.

    People act like there are nothing but bad releases anymore but 23/24 have had phenomenal titles. I’d say this is a great time for the industry as long as you’re not stupid enough to buy micro transactions and $150 collectors editions Lmao

  • Oh I don’t work with the stuff, it’s just from what I’ve seen. I don’t really find any AI art I’ve seen to be this big impressive thing. I’m more interested in it from a data standpoint. I feel like not actually making your own art feels kind of depressing. Like what’s the point? Unless it’s for commercial use? Like if I feel creative, I’m going to make something.

    Like I used to write, and I feel like if I wanted to write, I’d write. I don’t see the point in “writing” a prompt that pulls from other people’s work. Like what would I get out of it?

    Yeah, commercial applications for it are great. It Makes life easier, lowers the barrier to entry, and hopefully will result in less work.

    But for purely creative and cultural reasons, I just don’t see the point. Like I know nothing is original and we all pull from somewhere, but part of the enjoyment —to me— is the process of learning, of researching, reading other’s work to hone my craft.

    And art without that is soulless and not an act of expression that comes from the deep reaches of ourselves.

    It’s as empty as somebody buying a race car and a team to manage it, versus someone building their own and knowing every inch of it.