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I also run the hobby and nerd interest website scratch-that.org.

  • 1.68K Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Sure. I don’t normally do genestealers or tyranids, so the methods were all being developed on the fly.

    The models were all primed black. The carapaces were drybrushed with Vallejo Model Color Grey Blue, then Pale Grey Blue. At that point, the second drybrushing had left them too light and chalky colored so I used a DIY blue ink wash all over to get them back to a more saturated blue.

    The exposed flesh is all Citadel Pink Horror, then washed with Citadel’s purple wash, then 50/50 Pink Horror and an ivory paint. (Normally I’d transition between shade and highlights with more intermediate layers, but I’m used to doing small batches compared to such a large group. I’m counting on the genestealers looking decent as group rather than individuals with this paintjob.)

    Bases were all drybrushed with Vallejo Luftwafe blue, then Pale Grey Blue, then Vallejo Rust wash applied to details.

  • Fallout 1 absolutely does it as well. Even the animated dialog the Overseer gives is different, as he gets frustrated with the dumb player character.

    One of the more famous Fallout 1 dumb events is that the first super mutant in the game, who is guarding the water chip, will grunt back and forth with the player and then step aside allowing the player to pass by.

  • Often times news upsells what’s happening in their title or with vague language in the article. I’ve become instinctively skeptical of outrageous headlines.

    I went and checked the text of the bill itself. Wow. It’s exactly what it says on the tin of the news article. Not even an attempt to vague it up in the bill’s language. There’s no wishy washy way to think it means anything but the biblical Ten Commandments, in straight forward language. The bill wants them posted in every classroom.

    This obviously violates the Louisiana state constitution and the U.S. Constitution.

  • The idea of the prophecy and balance with Anakin as the chosen one hadn’t been thought of when ROTJ was made.

    By the time Lucas had come up with the prophecy, the EU had established Luke in the post-ROTJ as unquestionably a Jedi. Luke rejected the dogmatic aspects of the old Jedi order as early as Empire Strikes back, and as more EU material was written he continued that trend, building a new Jedi order in the model of his ideas. However rejecting specific old organizational dogma can be seen as stripping away the excess bloat of a system and finding the “true” core of it. Think of Luke as a religious reformist in a way, rejecting the institutions of a religion while not rejecting the religion itself. He was Martin Luther with a lightsaber.