aka @rotopenguin@mastodon.social

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • If you’re RDPing from a malicious client, how do you know what you’re seeing is real? How do you know that your viewer didn’t show the same screen for just a little too long while the host popped up a cmd, curl, run, close, continue in the background? How do you know that closing your session isn’t “forwarding it to someone else for a bit, but they’ll close it when they’re done”? One time you start a session, verify it with your phone, waiting waiting waiting, an error occurred try again. Did it fail, or did it go to someone else?

  • rotopenguin@infosec.pubtoMemes@lemmy.mlNeedle therapy
    3 days ago

    There’s another patient who didn’t get the toe amputation, and gangrene spread to where he lost the entire leg and 80% of his kidney function. This one did not thank acupuncture for his outcome.

    This one very famous case of a guy who got very lucky, and ended up alive and uncrippled and didn’t have to take time off from perpetual dialysis treatments to smile for magazine covers maybe doesn’t represent what generally happens to people in his situation.

  • Btrfs. Just format as one big partition (besides that little EFI partition of course) and don’t worry about splitting up your disk into root and home. Put home on its own subvolume so that root can be rolled back separately from it. You can have automatic snapshots, low-overhead compression, deduplication, incremental backups. Any filesystem can fsck its own metadata, but btrfs is one of the few that also cares if your data is also intact.

  • The reason you can’t is “because Intel deliberately designed it that way”. Back when USB was just a notion, PDAs were a really cool thing. There was apparently concern at Intel that someday these little things might be all that someone might own. You might connect your PDA directly to the printer, rather than syncing it to your Intel Desktop and printing from there. You might connect your PDA to the modem and collect electronic mailographs directly, instead of syncing with a PC. If you could do enough without the PC middleman, you might even skip on buying an Intel computer altogether.

    So, Intel baked into the protocol anything they could think of to make peer-to-peer communications impossible in USB, make life easy for the singular PC communications master, and put a timing onus on devices that forced them to be dumbed-down state machines instead of computers in their own right.

  • A dumb little stick is fine for the occasional “fix something up” or “take a snapshot of a Windows drive because dd is objectively better than anything that Windows itself could do”. A live iso distro precludes me from adding a handful of other useful tools.

    Late breaking edit : What I ended up doing was formatting a stick as small EFI / 5GB btrfs / rest exfat. Chattr +c the btrfs, and debootstrap in there. Put rEFInd on the efi and tell its conf file about the stick (or maybe it’ll detect). Put non-free-firmware & stable-security into apt’s sources.list. In a chroot shell, apt get live-task-non-free-firmware-pc gdm3 systemd-timesyncd linux-image-amd64 locales gnome-terminal. Add other tools to suit taste. Fix up the fstab, make /tmp tmpfs, make the exfat mount nofail. With btrfs compression, I can have a gnome environment inside of 2.5GB. It would be even more smol if I could figure out booting directly into Weston.