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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • Wow, that sucks. It has worked for me. I have a zwave lock that I have been running on rechargeables for about 6 years now. Even now with the abuse of a 5 year old kid who learned the pin and insists on locking and unlocking unnecessarily, I only charge the batteries once every 6 months! I thought maybe I was exaggerating, but I have a home assistant automation that alerts me when battery level is 50% or under, which is when I charge, and yeah, just about every 6 months. Maybe it’s because I spent too much on “good” rechargeables? Or not, it might be placebo

  • dave@hal9000@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzaccents
    3 days ago

    So that’s funny, but you know what I seriously find to be very strange? How different the onomatopoeias for a dog’s bark (well, any common animals sound) are in different languages. Here are the ones I know from experience, done kinda phonetically in English: American English: woof woof Brazilian Portuguese: ow ow (au au) Farsi: hop hop

  • Ah thanks for letting me know about Rx Resume! Great resource, and actually solves the last mile problem (creating the document) of my little personal app. I am a bit of a jack of all trades, so I made a little database for the resume where the lowest level item (the little bullet points in the experience) can have tags attached to them. So I might describe the same job/experience in multiple ways depending on who the audience is, and then filter for the tags to only get the bullet points that are relevant for that position and generate a resume.

    Now instead of going into some whole slog of coding document generation, I can just export that bit as JSON and import into Rx Resume! Thanks again!

  • Ah thanks! I am working with .NET, and I was surprised how there’s little out there in terms of (open source) libraries for LaTex (I did some research since this comment). I might end up going with docx via the OpenXML API. Also, I haven’t really used LaTex before (has been on on my learning to-do list), and once I started messing with some templates, I realized I need to learn a lot more first.

    One thing with my documents is that find and replace alone won’t work, as I need to replace some patterns. I am generating resumes, so I need to take something like a pattern for a job, and then repeat it several times