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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • “Their system is really good and years ahead of competition but there’s still a shit ton to improve”

    Is it years ahead of the competition? I thought the consensus was that Tesla is far behind, hence why Mercedes is the first brand to actually have some basic level 3 automomus driving actually to customers, and companies other than tesla are actually doing tests with robo taxis. Tesla is good at claiming it can do the above, other companies are the ones actually doing it.

    And indeed, there’s a shit ton to improve, which directly contradicts statements Elon Musk made, and keeps making. As others already pointed out, calling it Full Self Driving while letting it do that is basically suicide is just the beginning. Elon Musk regularly repeating that it’s there, it works etc… only to leave customers waiting for nearly 8 years now with a system that is not what Elon described, etc…

    Self driving is really hard, Tesla made some good progress on it, but Elon continuously lying about it should indeed get legal consequences. I’m hope this lawsuit teaches him to actually talk about things he actually knows are true, and not just what he wishes was true.

  • “Modern farming techniques consider sustainability”

    Yeah sure. They consider sustainability in that the current generation of poisons they use haven’t been proven unsustainable YET. When they are proven unsustainable, they’ll move to the next generation, that hasn’t been proven YET…

    Also systemically annihilating everything except that one crop you want to grow makes your farmland an ecological desert, that doesn’t sound very sustainable either.

    Unless you’re of the conviction that farmland shouldn’t be in any way part of nature, and we should concentrate on just growing crops there and every other kind of life there should be discouraged, and by doing that as dense as possible we keep more space for actual nature.

    Though i think farming that leaves meaningful room for (some) nature to coexist with it doesn’t do that much worse in yield to make the modern ‘kill everything’ approach worth it. But we’ll see what the future brings i guess.

    But just being like ‘modern farming techniques consider sustainability’ seems pretty naive to me…

  • roflmao XD I’m sorry, but you trying to sound smart by saying how much energy a kg of U235 has, and then using the wrong unit (a unit of power, not of energy) is just the funniest thing ever XD.

    And yeah, nuclear waste is kind of solvable, but it will be an issue for at least a thousand years to come, and that’s a LONG time… I can get that environmentalists are like “yeah, this is just another way of shoving our current issues FAAAAR into the future”. Even if we just bury it all in some safe space…

  • Yes, it can do that. Occasionally. And then it’ll randomly fail in the stupidest ways.

    And i’ve actually looked at some Tesla FSD reviews, and every review seems to be of a “2 steps forward, 2 steps back” kind. Look at all these things that improved, and then mentioning all the things that used to work that are now broken again. (of course with a lot more focus on the things that have improved, since hype pays).

    I’m honestly wondering how self driving will evolve, it seems we’ve landed in the really hard last 10% of getting there, and it’s mostly come to a stand still.

  • Isn’t it also just because it’s old and people get bored of it? People crave new things, and even if it’s just as good as in the beginning, it’ll get lower ratings because it’s not new anymore.

    I remember quite some years ago i was like “i’m finally going to watch southpark”. And people were already complaining about how the latest seasons were worse than the first seasons. Watched a ton of seasons in a short period, and honestly can’t say the later seasons felt any worse than the first ones when you’re not bored of the series yet. Now so many years later when i watch some more southpark, it’s not as fun as when i started watching it since the “it’s new and exciting” feeling is long gone.

  • Just wondering, do you know that reading the article where it’s all explained in detail is an option?

    Before the change 3% of facebook users agreed to be tracked, after “pay or be tracked” suddenly that jumped to over 90%. The entire point of GDPR is that privacy is a really hard thing to grasp, and that companies have capabilities most people can’t even imagine. So the GDPR demands consent to be given freely. Giving users the choice between yet another subscription or “consent” is clearly not free consent, your “free consent” doesn’t jump from 3% to 90% if you’re not basically coercing your users.

    “yeah, but they have the option to pay”. Yeah, and then i can start paying for google (each service seperately with complex bundles of course), and facebook, and reddit, and twitter and tiktok and … and of course everyone has hundreds of dollars to spend on online services to continue using the internet the way we’ve been using it for a decade.

    “yeah, but you could use other services”, yeah, i could go to a facebook alternative where none of my friends or family are. Or a youtube alternative where hardly anyone posts videos or… These sites have gained a natural monopoly by being free, and now suddenly i have to pay to not have my rights violated.

    And will this long term mean sites like facebook, youtube, … become unprofitable and collapse? I for sure hope so yes. These companies gained a monopoly in big parts of the internet, and will make insane profits of being in that position either via ads or subscriptions. This is a terrible place for society to be in, and the sooner they collapse, the sooner we as society can start figuring out what would be a model that does work and isn’t hostile to its user.

  • the basic goal of libreelec is to just run kodi and nothing else. So it’s really good for a htpc, it’s always running kodi :).

    But since you can add docker to it, i’m also running it as a small server, using portainer to manage the containers, and it’s doing great double duty :). If however you want a real desktop environment, this is not the solution for you :).

  • I’ve now got a 13th gen nuc as htpc using libreelec. There is an intel graphics driver issue with 4K HDR & 23.97fps playback (frequent audio dropouts…), but someone on the forum created a patch that does seem to work, and really happy with it so far. Also Libreelec allows you to install docker, so i can use the nuc (which is way overpowered for just htpc usage) also as a server :).

    I do hate that the maintainers of libreelec are like 'yeah, it’s an intel bug, so we won’t put the workaround in our official release, nor do anything to make potential users aware of it while we can detect that they will probably need it"… Open source developers don’t really like their users it seems…

  • I recently asked questions about HDR & automatic refreshrate switching for a linux HTPC, and the advice in the end was just to find whatever distro already has it all precofigured (and conflcting advice whether i’d need Wayland or X)… i was kind of amazed how poorly supported it appeared to be.

    So yeah, if steam is like “yeah, we won’t try to venture into that swamp”, can’t say i blame them after having dared to ask how to get it to work myself.

  • Meh, i’ve talked to organic farmers here in Europe (and real organic farmers, not bigscale "we’re technically organic), and even they were against the current proposals. the plan appeared to be very naive, and would just end up making farming (even the most ecological variants) extremely uncertain and always at direct odds with nature preservation, and as some others have already said, we would just end up in more food being imported from parts of the world where farming standards are way lower, where there is more worker exploitation, etc… that can’t possibly be the goal of an environmental plan either.

    There of course is a big conflict between farming & nature preservation, but then adding that to the pile of bullshit farmers already have to endure (a lot of regulation, big supermarkets dictating the price at which they ‘may’ sell, even outside the proposal that was cancelled here, a lot of constantly changing environmental regulations, expensive farmland because they’re competing against wealthy people who want to put some horses there, …)

    And if the end goal is to have nearly no farming left in Europe, then that should be clearly communicated, and not just adding random things to the pile of stuff farmers have to deal & contend with.