• 9 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • TLDR: “privacy” services can’t be bothered and you shouldn’t too if you are not doing illegal stuff.

    These “privacy-oriented” services are businesses that need to earn money, not scare away potential clients and avoid legal issues. Accepting cash or crypto is a risk for legal and accounting reasons. They just don’t think it’s worth it.

    Now, to link a particular activity on a particular service with you via your payment is not a trivial task. Government can do it, but it really matters if you think you are or will be targeted by it. Data miners can correlate bank payment with an account at a service provider only if both bank and service provider sell or leak data, which is less likely if you are using a privacy a oriented service.

  • I’m not sure how viable this is for the court case… but totally agree with sentiment.

    Maybe in US it is different with very available loans and phone plans that include top of the line iPhones, but in the country I grew up having iPhone was a big thing. Especially when you are teenager or in your 20s. It was a symbol of wealth.

    My friend owns a small business in that country and he says that he had to buy an iPhone. His partners were looking down at him because he had a Samsung phone.

    I guess it’s not like that nowadays, as Samsung has phones that cost the same or even more…

  • I’ve seen a concept of an airplane that can eject sections of it’s hull, each equipped with a large parachute. This can solve the problem of “how to put parachutes on each passenger including kids, disabled and panicked and teach them how to use it”. Also it doesn’t require the plane to maintain certain height, speed or angle for parachuting.

    But of course it will add extra weight to carry, because not only they’ll need to install big parachutes, but also ejection system and something to seal off ejectable sections.