Hi, I’m B.

  • 7 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2021


  • I don’t think housing can “solve” drug addiction. However, there are factors that have been shown to contribute to addiction from homelessness. Less stability, regular trauma, mental health, etc causes all of these things to interact and exasperate each other.

    The frustrating part is that voters keep telling the city, county, and state to invest in all of these areas. Measure 110 was supposed to create more space to have drug addiction treated, and there was no follow through. Now, further existing infrastructure is closing with no replacement. Similarly with housing, voters overwhelmingly keep calling for housing solutions, but any progress turns into new vendor procurement, deals with developers that don’t follow through, and half baked plans that don’t materialize.

    Also, I think it’s important to remember that a lot of drug addiction happens amongst the housed. We just don’t see it. But as our coworker who is struggling falls apart, loses their job, and times get tough the more likely they will be the one moving from pain pills at home to fentanyl in the streets.

    I’m glad some of the electeds are at least acting like they are as frustrated as I am. I hope they actually do something about it. (thought the need for national reform on both housing and drug addiction also can’t be ignored).

  • Thank you for responding.

    I removed BarterClub as a mod, but suggested they make a post asking the existing community for support in becoming a mod. If the existing users are OK with it, then I’m happy to add them back.

    If possible, I would suggest a change to process where the admin verifies the community is abandoned before adding mods.

  • Mods on Lemmy don’t have permissions to remove other mods. You need to demod yourself, or an admin needs to remove you.

    I think it would be totally reasonable to make a post and ask the active members there what they think about you becoming a mod. We’ve been having conversations there on what we want the community to be, and I’ve been trying to empower everyone to give input. So, suddenly seeing a new mod with no community input runs counter to that.

    Also, regardless of the federation issue, it is concerning that the admins did not verify that the community was abandoned, when simply clicking on my account would have quickly shown it was not.

  • Process question: As I am a mod and active on /c/Portland and was not checked in with, what process is being used to evaluate things like this? I would have been fine chatting with BarterClub, but we have been trying to have community discussions on how the place should be ran and what sort of content fits. Now suddenly there is a new mod and we weren’t consulted!?

  • I never understood this logic.

    I’ve been on Mastodon since 2016 and never really got into Twitter. I just don’t understand why the “algorithm” matters. Who cares if people who don’t follow you see your post? I want my followers to see my posts, and then favorites allow me to know that my followers liked what I posted. It’s a nice dopamine boost and helps me feel closer to my community.

    A lot of posts I make unboostable as well (followers only). “Promotion” doesn’t really factor much into my use of Mastodon so much as being “social”.

  • It’s “arch based”. How are the repos setup? What packages are pinned? What bloatware is added?

    Sure I can write a script to migrate everything to how I want it, but at a point it becomes easier (and cleaner) to do a custom install script that will build it up how I want it.

  • You keep implying that any “nuanced take” contains unverified claims, but you already said that my take (which I consider more nuanced than the straw-men takes I listed) doesn’t. You just believe it doesn’t warrant US aggression toward China. Hey, I agree. I have no delusions that my take is going to stop US aggression more than the fact that I ate toast this morning will. My nuanced takes didn’t stop the invasion of Iraq in 2003, but neither did my organizing, marching, and shutting down the city I live in when the bombs fell. GWB literally just said “he didn’t care about protests”.

    This thread is literally the most I’ve ever written or spoken about the Uyghurs, and probably the most I’ve criticized China this year. It was literally a response to someone posting a list of claims where I called for considering that a lot of it is filtered through the US propaganda machine.

    I honestly have better things to do now. If you want to cancel me for saying China isn’t perfect and some Uyghurs exist who are unhappy with China, then by all means do so I guess. I’m going to go and actually work on a project that helps change the material reality in the community I live in.

  • I don’t use the word “tankie” personally. I find it over simplifies the position of many communists. Yes I straw-manned a fake ML take just I staw-manned a fake anarchist take, because I was trying to say that’s those staw-men are how people often argue about this. The whole concept of anarchists treating both the US and China equally in the matter is a straw-man. No anarchist that I know of is organizing efforts in Xinjiang to fight China. While pretty much every anarchist I know in the US spends hours every week organizing efforts to fight the US in one way or another.

    You keep claiming I’m saying something I’m not which is what is annoying to me. My entire point is that you are creating better propaganda for the US imperialist machine than a take of “some Uyghurs claim oppression” ever could. You make any claim that the West is producing propaganda on the subject with goals of imperial aggression seem childish and not worth listening to. You berate people who ostensibly agree with you, but they just don’t want to start flying the flag of China outside their house either.

  • The only things I said that could be in anyway considered critical of China are:

    • China is not a utopia and has a number of areas where they could improve
    • Some of the Uyghurs have made public claims of oppression by China

    Trying to argue against either of those seems silly as utopias don’t exist in the material world and there is documented video of some Uyghurs claiming they were oppressed by China. Arguing against that with some anarchist, who would take to the streets to stop US aggression against China, on the Internet does nothing to stop US imperialism. It’s even more useless than writing your political leaders and begging them not to take action against China.

  • I believe that nothing is beyond criticism, including (and especially) myself, just because there is a worse evil out there. If that’s what you believe, then cool I guess. Just please be consistent and stop criticizing me (an anarchist who is post-civ and believes fighting the West is important) as I am a lesser evil relative to the West, and Western hegemony is the #1 enemy.