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Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I reread this part today and realized I forgot to mention another moment that really caught my attention, Sylvester telling Rozemyne that he entrusts his little brother to her.

    That seems to me to be a hugely significant thing to say, particularly to one’s legal daughter, and I’m still turning it over in my mind trying to understand what exactly Sylvester is thinking. Not that he’s wrong of course. We’ve established many times that Myne saved Ferdinand even as he saved her, but it’s super interesting to me that he specifically gives her the upper hand with that statement. And of course he knows that Rozemyne was an adult in another world before she was Myne also.

    Then I also love that when Sylvester teased her about cleaning up nice until she opens her mouth, that Rozemyne shot it right back at him.

  • Another great part. How can we be so close to the end though?

    Her library city. After everyone telling her it was impossible.

    My mistake. It wasn’t the smile he wears when dumping work on others–it was his revenge smile. 😂

    The Zent gives her a final exam of destroying some medals, perfectly logical and normal, of course.

    But man - this feystone exchange. It was a delight to see each of them react with such heartfelt feeling, and both messages basically “I will watch over you and protect you and the things you care about.” The image for this part is just spectacular too.

  • I think he wants her to have his namestone for a couple of reasons.

    First, I think it’s sentimental, it makes him feel needed and closer to her. And probably having it returned when his father was dying is not the best memory.

    Second, I think it’s intentional to give her power over him. It neutralizes the imbalance that began their relationship, when he had life and death power over her, not to mention the mentor-student power. He is always seen (and probably knows himself to be) manipulative and dangerous and he wants very much not to hurt her, to give her absolute power to stop him should she choose.

    Schutzaria’s shield of wind prevents anyone from entering who means harm to those inside. He’s giving her that, to ensure that he cannot harm her, at least not until she comes of age. He doesn’t fully trust himself.

    For a relationship with an underage fiancee, it does seem very appropriate.

  • The last volume, sob!

    But it is a banger, starting out just as I’d hoped with a Ferdinand POV around draining her mana, and then going into that shared POV where we get to see not only the Rozemyne-Ferdinand interactions but also Ferdinand’s reactions to the events of the first volume.

    “Holy heck, I was so tiny!” “Did you ever worry about accidentally stepping on me?” 😂

    I also really enjoyed the contrast of Myne reacting to her family’s actions in the meeting with Bezewanst as a normal noble might have, with Ferdinand’s now more emotional take. Nice reversal, such depth.

    Smart of him to show her the Japanese crafts since he didn’t have memory of her lower city crafting.

    Gunther: “If whoever you marry can’t protect you, I’ll come beat him up myself.” 💕

    and then at the very end, when Rozemyne sees Ferdinand relax with relief when she finally returns to consciousness…

    “He must have broken or something.” 🤣

    I love the cover art. Alexandria is going to be a beautiful dutchy.

    Coincidentally, my family had just started a rewatch of the season 1 anime this week and as is typical of this series, every time I go back and reread or rewatch I find deeper resonance and connections that I didn’t notice the first time. Amazing timing on our part to do it now. In addition, the commentary in Fanbook4 talks about some of the art for the season 1 anime and man this all just ties together so brilliantly.