• 8 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I’ll reiterate what other folks have said about it not being a huge moneymaker. I sell my art and basically make enough to cover my art supplies to do the things I love (plus the validation of people wanting my art lol). But if you’re going into it even looking to make beer money you might be disappointed. Especially because while you figure out what the market is looking for you’ll probably spend a good deal of money with no returns.

    Make what you want to make, sell it if you want to and people want to buy it.

    I will say, online selling is incredibly oversaturated and hard to do. Sites like Etsy are now filled with instant garbage drop shipped from Aliexpress so it can be hard for people to actually find your stuff. Making your own website costs money and may require skills you don’t have (but could learn!) Look for local art markets in your area instead. People come to those things looking to shop, specifically looking to shop local. It might be harder if you’re not in an urban area, but where I live is filled with them.

  • This is all so important and insightful. You wrote it up in a way that is so clear about the value of journaling. I really need to get back into the habit of it.

    My initial fight with depression has been over for many years now, but I kept journaling. It helped me lose weight, get into shape, set my own goals and start new hobbies even.

    Journaling was the first time I said “out loud” that I wanted to start a small business, and… I have. It was something I’d wanted to do for years and years and years and just never did, because I didn’t believe I could. Getting it out of my head and exploring the why and how made such a difference.

    I want to say this: I know that among science-minded people, it’s common to dismiss (and mock people who use) tarot cards. “It’s just random, drawing a card doesn’t tell your future” (followed with the sometimes implied, sometimes said aloud: “you dumbass”).

    I journal in the way that you describe here OP but it can be really hard for me to get started and make it a habit. So, I often journal by using tarot. The cards don’t “tell my future,” I know that. But they serve as a journaling prompt that is really helpful for reflection. Does this describe me? Do I want it to? What can I do to achieve/change it? Also… they’re pretty. It’s nice.

    Related: astrology is good for this too! Another often mocked practice. We’re in the new moon in the sign Gemini yesterday/tonight. “New moons are symbolic moments of new beginnings. With a new moon in the air sign of Gemini, our mindset, ideas, opinions, what we’re curious about, and the way we communicate with others all hit the cosmic refresh button.” Hmm… sounds like a pretty good prompt for journaling and reflection, huh??

    If you want to start journaling, but you’re having trouble getting started, and it won’t make you feel self-consciously woo-woo… give it a try. Tarot and astrology don’t tell your future – they can help you write it. 🌑✨

  • I think it’s also worth noting that /r/stopdrinking has stayed open throughout the entire blackout period – which makes complete sense, as a support sub that is a lifeline, perhaps the sole lifeline, for many.

    So mods not having to manage two communities, while also giving community to those who want or need it outside of a reddit if it’s no longer a place they want to support, is great. Thanks for making this!

  • Whoops I commented this on the wrong thread 😅 pasted below.

    Yesss thank you for making this! I haven’t watched the new season yet but I’m excited to.

    I’m normally a person who doesn’t mind or even likes spoilers, but coming into National Anthem completely cold years ago when it came out was such a mindfuck that could not have happened if I knew I think even the general premise of the show. I was truly shocked by it with each plot development, and knew I was going to devour the rest of the series. Especially as an anthology I think that really appeals to my ADHD lol.

  • I started meds after I had COVID and was already experiencing long term symptoms (brain fog but also fatigue). So I do feel less foggy after starting meds but I also still have more memory problems than I used to pre-COVID. I also have had increased brain fog lately because I’m tapering off a different need and have had brutal withdrawal from it. I just don’t think I can tease apart what’s coming from where.

  • Yeah, I definitely feel the same way. Like, I don’t know if this makes sense, but the joy of living alcohol free without it being in the context of providing support to people who are struggling? Sometimes I’m in the space to visit the difficulties of not drinking, but sometimes I’m just not. The separation for me feels kinda like, “stopdrinking,” and “notdrinking.” Does that make sense?

    It seems like our opinion is the minority so I’ll probably wait a bit and see what happens :)
