• 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • Whatever. They just do whatever they want as it’s required by the script. Dr. Who has always been more science fantasy than it is science fiction with varying degrees of consistency, apart from maybe getting into some social issue stuff, along with the tech gadgets and aliens (the sci-fi trappings). IMO it’s almost been on par with The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, things just happen and questioning it is just an exercise in futility, just go along with that episode’s logic and don’t question it. There will be characters who are forever banished from this universe, never to return again, but then a season or two later they show back up again because of some whatchamajigit or some sort of handwavy temporal anomaly or whatever the fuck they want it to be. For there to be a “complete narrative collapse” would require a narrative structure to have been there in the first place. Dr. Who somehow even out-techno-babbles Star Trek.

  • I loved RTS games back in the day, played through all the Command & Conquers, Warcrafts, Starcrafts and all that, but then gradually it felt like the genre starting morphing into DotA and other games and I just sort of moved on. I was mostly single-player, though got into multiplayer later, but remember it being so fucking nerve-wracking and having to click hundreds of times a minute and trying to optimize everything, I’d be so worn out after playing. My best game I ever remembered playing was Starcraft 2, there was one match where multiple players tried ganging up on me in a FFA match, it was obvious they were coordinating, and I somehow fended them off and took the game. It wasn’t an important game or anything, but that was one of the fond memories I have from that time in my gaming life.

    I think I eventually just shifted over to turn-based strategy instead and I don’t know if the genre ever really returned from DotA.

  • paddirn@lemmy.worldtoHumor@lemmy.worldA different 'body count'....
    6 days ago

    One is Lebanese-American, Mia Khalifa, who has talked out about Israel’s apartheid state, though she also referred to Hamas as “freedom fighters”. She got famous from porn, still does revealing photoshoots, but apparently gets pissed off sometimes when reminded that she used to be a porn star.

    The other might have committed war crimes or at least knows somebody who has.

  • I’m not full vegan/vegetarian, but I’ve cut out all the beef/dairy that I can from my diet, just because of how bad cows in general are for the environment with their methane farts, though I think there may be methods to reduce emissions. I’m guessing that costs money though, so fuck that, we need cheap beef. I think if people just took that step of cutting that one animal out of our food chain, it’d be alot easier for people to do, rather than trying to cut out all meat and going vegan.

  • This isn’t a serious proposal and it’s not even really meant for Ukraine to even consider. It’s meant for Ukraine’s Western allies who will start getting bored and antsy and may start applying pressure on Ukraine to look for a deal. Putin knows he just needs to outlast fickle Western governments, or wait until Russian-backed right-wing governments get into power, then Ukraine will lose its support and likely crumble.

  • paddirn@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldEvery day.
    11 days ago

    What’s the alternatives? Depression & Suicide? Rise up in revolution out of general malaise? Or just post memes and hope something happens to change the status quo? Covid showed us that another world was at least possible, but it also brought on a lot of the ridiculous greed we’re seeing now too.