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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • If you want a non-terminal os based on linux you just have to make something like android or chromeos or steamdeckos.
    Those are and pretty popular, so I don’t know who can claim linux is “terminal obsessed” it’s just a kernel and there is a wide diversity of os based on it.

    Debian , fedora , suse etc might all be “obsessed” with the terminal.
    For me that’s just the obvious economical way to offer features. decent GUI costs a lot more to develop and document - so you have to have less features for a given amount of dev time. Or you have google /valve/microsoft type amounts of resources to spend.

    I always thought this “year of linux” thing was a meme to make fun of canonical or idiotic tech journalists .
    Is anyone realitsitcally interested in volunteering their time to win over legions of Microsoft fanboys. Fuck me sounds like hell.

    And frankly the use of terminal is going to be far from the first blocker to linux adoption for those who don’t even know they’re using windows or mac.

  • i think a lot of people get misled by all the pictures.

    The aurora tends to look very grey and washed out to the naked eye.
    Unless they’re moving fast enough they’re easily mistaken for thin hazy grey cloud.

    Most of the pictures you’ll see are with long exposure settings to get the colours to show much more vivid than they actually appear.

    I guess this might be different with these strong aurora - I didn’t look last night but I’m right in a city anyway.

  • Either way, assuming I can find a large stick or rock, I’d have enough patience to do a manual physical uninstall and get back to my solitude. So I think I’d be pretty ambivalent.
    I guess smashing the shit out of windows would be slightly more satisfying - but that’s not really the main reason I’m alone in the woods.

    And yes - before you ask the obvious follow-up - I have smashed the shit out of a thinkpad in the past, they’re not as tough as people say they are; it’s mostly false bravado. Don’t be afraid to stand up to the bully (ymmv).

  • “clean energy” . . . :)
    this idea of “clean” electricity seems to makes people think they can use as much electricity as they like even when its marginally all generated with gas or coal…

    Like a 30-50% “clean” grid can magically double in capacity to accomodate every cnts tesla charging and new heating loads without more fossil fuel gen.

    “oh that doesn’t matter it will be 100% renewable soon.”
    " oh what no, I didn’t mean you can build a nuclear powerstation there, can’t they build it in india or china or africa and ship the power to us?"
    “no matter, we’ll invent cold fusion soon”

    The difference between average vs marginal generation is something that a lot of electricity proselytes want to handwave away in order to keep selling energy intensive lifestyle and aspirations.

    Its much harder to sell people a modest life, or a lower energy inensity - or a lower population density.