



  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • Well I’m just commenting on the premise that we should attempt to get big name people. I oppose the idea of chasing people, I’m partial to the concept of “if you build it they will come.” It’s worked for Monero so far. People that aren’t interested in decentralized and censorship resistant tools are that way because they want things other than reach. These names use YouTube ant Twitter because they want clout, they want marketing, they want control, they want things other than for their voices to just be heard and their rights respected. And that’s fine, but trying to chase down these people is a fools errand, because we simply can’t give them what they may really be after.

    An example, Trump wants to be paid to be on social networks. OK, that’s fine, he has a point when he says he’s popular and his presence makes the network more valuable and he should get a piece of that, but if then he goes on to claim he’s being silenced, well, there are a myriad of ways to get your voice heard for free or very cheap, no need to launch your own social media company. It’s not about censorship in that case, because all he needed to do was to spin up a Mastodon server (which is what he ultimately did and then got caught violating the GPL), that’s not what he did.

    The tools are here. The big names who don’t like being censored are free to use them. Monero never chased the DNMs, it was just the right tool for the job. If they really want censorship resistance and for their words to be heard they’ll use the tools available to them to accomplish that.

  • I personally don’t like ads because they’re intrusive, and because they are an attempt to manipulate my mind in some way in order to extract resources out of me. I’d like to keep my mind as clean as possible and not be a tool towards someone else’s ambition.

    I don’t mind ads on something like a TV, where you’re already passively consuming content, and the ads are just “here’s a product and how it can improve your life”. But in something interactive, they are incredibly intrusive, and most ads are made not about a product and why you’ll like it, but they’re done in ways that are tested and optimized to bypass your rational mind and appeal to your emotions or your lizard brain. I loathe being manipulated and have great disdain for those that attempt it.

    There’s also the factor specifically online of tracking and data mining. You want to show me a product, fine, you need to know what color my butthole is to sell it to me, go fuck yourself.

  • This is a much harder problem than you realize.

    We have a situation where big interests that can afford to treat supporting certain politicians as a business decision control our governance. That’s bad. You want to move to a situation where the unelected contingent within government will be able to control the political direction of the society that is governed by the state, which is also very bad. A noble attempt to solve a problem, but it causes other problems that are at least equally bad. And this is why noble attempts that treat the problem as very simple often lead to worse outcomes.

    So what’s another solution. No campaigning at all? Just publish your platform online, let people vote. Good idea? Well, no, because people want to be excited, they like to be emotionally manipulated. You create a boring political process and hardly anyone will vote. You wind up in a situation where the only people voting are those business interests. Also, you push campaigning underground, it already partly is, but you wind up in a situation where “regular people” canvas and protest and “grass roots” and all that, which is usually covertly funded. Still, very bad.

    The real problem here is the nature of power. There is no political solution to the Pareto distribution. Real power exists, it is undemocratic, and no amount of rules can fix those problems, all you can hope for is a system that leverages the natural incentives and propensities of power distribution such that it gives you a Nash equilibrium, a social optimum, the best we can do. That will necessarily still involve power imbalances, unforseen outcomes, some amount of corruption, because the actors in all these systems are people, and the beneficiaries are always people, even when the actors are not people.

    I don’t know what the solution is. i don’t think very many people do.

  • “On principle what specific words do you want to say” lol yeah OK. You need to go understand what “principle” means, by definition it ignores specific circumstances.

    When what I can say is subject to someone else’s dictat, de facto they have power over me. The interesting thing about that is that the kind of people that seek that out aren’t the kind of people who wield it wisely or fairly. I avoid giving others power over me, I can’t always prevent it, but I avoid it where I can. That’s the principle we are talking about, whether I want to give someone that power, not whether I agree with them on what words should be said. And that’s what this whole speech shit is about, not words, it’s about power. Generally I would agree with those people on what words should not be said, what I don’t agree with is giving them the power to tell me or other people that we can’t say them. I used to do the compromise thing, but those people inevitably overreach and begin to try to control what ideas are allowed to be discussed, because again, it’s about power and they’re power hungry subhuman scum who just want to dominate others.

    No matter where you go on fedi, it’s one type of toxic or another. Either it’s people shouting the n word, or it’s people sharing drawings (at best) of little kids, or it’s power hungry subhuman scum who just want to dominate others. It’s an architectural problem endemic to the federated network architecture. So I prefer an architecture with less discoverability but which gives the user the power to censor their own feed how they see fit. There’s no real reach on either, but at least people can have their echo chambers and nobody can lean on the architecture to silence the people they don’t like.

  • Edit your messages after they’re sent lol…

    1. Isn’t the keyboard supposed to help you not fuck up? I remember when it did. I am supposed to expect that the company that has made predictive text worse and worse year after year is going to give me a good text correction feature?

    2. this isn’t a feature of android, this is in google messages,

    3. the messaging apps people are actually using mostly already let you edit messages.

    Slightly unrelated, why is it that these tech product promos always feature nondescript happy people having the time of their life on their phones? They’re reaching drug commercial levels of uncanny at this point. Corpo marketing has gotten so bland, everyone watching it nowadays just feels like they’re being manipulated.