• 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Hatch or grow. Because once you’re asking those questions, is the first chick truly the first chicken?

    “Is a juvenile defined by what it currently is or what it will/might become?” And, “is chicken-ness an innate quality of the animal, or in relation to the animal fulfilling/presenting (or being able to fulfil) some chicken-ness?”

  • Ah, but when that line of tiny change is so arbitrary… Is it a true chicken until it grows up and fulfils its destiny? Is it a chicken based purely on its genetic code, so the egg whence it hatched is a chicken egg; or is it truly a chicken when it becomes a chicken… meh, I write this far and find I still agree with you: even in that case the egg it hatched from becomes a chicken egg by virtue of the chicken it grew into.

  • Like biting children?

    Have seen that. Dog gets usually petted by white children and usually teased by Asian children - learns to become peaceful for the one and cower in a corner, followed by lunge and bite, to the other.

    Not saying all Asian children are mean to dogs, but in this case it was enough for the dog to believe a pattern and respond.