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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023

  • There are instances or subs here that will delete your comment or ban you simply for posting something that disagrees with the predetermined consensus they are going for. And no, I’m not talking about racist or abusive comments, just generic shit that may not perfectly align with their narrow personal Overton window. I’m not going back to Reddit, but I wouldn’t say there is a robust and diverse discussion here either. A lot of groupthink, or perceived groupthink…because dissenting opinions get straight up deleted.

  • Broadly speaking, ray-tracing is a graphic rendering technique that produces more accurate light reflections (and realistic looking graphics) but is demanding of rendering hardware and therefore associated with modern games and consoles/PCs.

    The project I linked is a decomp specific to Perfect Dark that uses existing ROMs. Basically it builds you a standalone runnable Perfect Dark with more modern enhancements, but I don’t think it supports ray tracing.

    The project in the original Tom’s Hardware article appears to include a separate tool that is generic and could potentially be used on various N64 games with user-supplied ROMs. I don’t see a list of games that are supported so I can’t speak for Perfect Dark.

    I know there are raytracing plugins for n64 emulation but I’m not sure which Retroarch core and settings would support that. Probably requires experimentation to see what works and what doesn’t.

  • They really need to bring the skyline back. I had one on my Amazon wishlist for 5+ years but I was pretty broke at the time and other things kept taking priority. $30 price point was a good value, but it kept creeping up over time… and then when I finally went to buy one they were out of stock forever.

    BladeHQ had some sick exclusive models and custom color scales as well.

  • Excellent points. Disney couldn’t care less about the groups it claims to support. Their actions are more in line with co-opting identity groups to sell them back to you as a commodity. This fact really ossified for me when visiting Epcot a while back. I realized that many of their recent (and planned future) films are literally designed around ethnicities or cultures so they can have tie-in IP in the world showcase at Epcot, driving more merch and premium ride sales.

    There is always an ulterior motive.

  • Correct that it isn’t vague. It means “well functioning” as they would have used it. A contemporary would have said a clock that keeps time accurately is “well-regulated”. It doesn’t refer to bureaucratic regulation in the slightest, as you can compare how those topics were talked about in the same documents of the constitutional convention and the Federalist Papers etc. and the verbiage used is completely different.

    People in those days used flowery language such as Washington’s quote “Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair.” He isn’t talking about wrenching a bicycle.

    It also takes deliberate ignorance to read a list of 10 individual rights and construe that one in particular is somehow collectivized and handcuffed by a footnote about its justification.