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  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 20th, 2023


  • @falcoignis It’s a difficult question to answer because anyone can develop a software running on ActivityPub and any software can name things however they want.

    On lemmy, it’s community, but when you post to a lemmy community, what a kbin users see is a “magazine” and for a friendica or a mastodon user it’s a “group”, on calckey they’re called channels, etc.

    I think we should probably call them communities, remote users can translate it to their own soft jargon in their head.

  • @Senseibull
    You can think of it like emails.

    A lemmy community is like an automated mailbox that sends everything they receive to all subscribers.

    You can host a mailing list/community on gmail.

    Then you can subscribe to the mailing list from outlook.

    Then a user can send a post to the mailing list from yahoo.

    The automated mailbox at gmail will receive the message from yahoo and send it to outlook and all other subscribers.