• 11 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • This past weekend I witnessed a grandmother advising her 7 year old granddaughter to be mindful of her bread intake, (it was something like: “two slices of baguette is enough, you should watch your bread intake”).

    It’s my understanding that at least 1 (probably more) of the daughters of this grandmother (ie the 7 year old’s mother, and aunts) developed eating disorders as a result of their upbringing. (I’ve inferred this from other conversations in the family)

    Would you like to enlist the grandmother in your crusade?

    Should people with ‘undesirable’ genetic characteristics be financially discouraged from having children? Maybe we should sterilize them just to be safe.

  • It would probably just result in games not being for sale in Canada.

    Maybe a progressive tax, not a ban, eg if your game grosses say $1M sales in Canada you pay a higher tax rate if you don’t attest that you’ve set aside enough cash to do this when you sunset the game. Then if you said you’d do it but don’t, the CRA can come after you. Revenue from this tax could be earmarked for computer education or indie studio grants or something.

  • I think 16 year olds should be legally allowed to drive with guardian supervision. I think they usually are able to.

    I think 16 year olds should be legally allowed to drink with guardian supervision. I think they usually are able to.

    I think 16 year olds should be legally allowed to smoke with guardian supervision. I think they usually are able to. 16 year olds can’t buy them, but parents could give them. I can only think of one situation where parents should facilitate their 16 year olds smoking (as part of a smoking cessation plan).

    I think that if a guardian attests that their 16 year old is ready to vote, they should be allowed to.

  • The developers of a game similar to Among Us would be forced to update the game with bots to be compliant?

    I’m not a programmer or IT specialist or anything but I think the ask would be more like,

    when discontinuing multiplayer service they must roll out an update to allow gamers to specify private server addresses

    They don’t need to program bots, they need to open the code enough for fans to keep the game functional. Like when I was a kid I could play multi player games with my friends by typing their phone number into the game. Our computers would connect through the phone lines and we could battle for the fate of Azeroth. I still remember the phone number of the friend I did that with.