The catarrhine who invented a perpetual motion machine, by dreaming at night and devouring its own dreams through the day.

  • 15 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2024

  • I think that the EU is fully aware that what makes those extra powerful is network effect. And, once they’re gone, something else pops up in their place. The case of Germans using WhatsApp for example would become inconvenient for them for fifteen whole minutes, then they’d jump into an alternative, and business as usual, without Faecesbook/Merda meddling.

  • There’s nothing intrinsically non-primary in the format. At the end of the day they’re collaborative writing projects, split into pages with internal and external links; it’s just that the biggest one out there happens to be tertiary.

    And I believe that they could help a lot with this issue if people migrated/copied meaningful info from forums (like Lemmy) to wikis. Forums are good for discussion, but they tend to accumulate a lot of trash; having the good content sieved and sorted in a wiki makes it more accessible for everyone.

  • He would also say “melior foris quam intra” (better out than in). Oh wait, no, that was Shrek.

    His choice of words is interesting. “Vae me” is extremely casual, and the verb “concaco” (I shit on), while not offensive, is still rather vulgar. However this was coming from someone who was rather worried about his public image, given that his predecessor (Caligula) has been assassinated, and Claudius was always trying finding historical figures to connect himself to. I’m almost sure that he did this sort of stuff to be casual, as an “ice-breaker”, to become a bit more liked.

  • In a follow-up posted to social media this morning, NetEase went on to “apologize for any unpleasant experiences or doubts caused by the miscommunication of these terms…

    Ooh, corporate gaslighting! “Your fee fees are hurt because you didn’t actually understand the message correctly!”

    There is no miscommunication here. The message is clear as day - “don’t criticise our product”.

    We actively encourage Creators to share their honest thoughts, suggestions, and criticisms as they play. All feedback, positive and negative, ultimately helps us craft the best experience for ourselves and the players.”

    Given the content of the clause, NetEase is simply being liars…

    NetEase says it is making “adjustments” to the contract “to be less restrictive and more Creator-friendly.”

    …and they’re fully aware that everybody knows that they being liars, otherwise they wouldn’t be trying to make the clause less unpalatable.

    My sides went into orbit.

  • It is not so bad that it’s an “ugly mess”. It’s simply cluttered. The shape looks good even if a bit weird, the issue are your choices of blocks, they’re clashing with each other, and you’re using a lot of different types so it’s really hard to combo them.

    I’d suggest you to make a creative mode copy of your world and try the following, see if you like the results:

    • Replace those birch logs with spruce, so they contrast better with the birch planks. Either keep them all with their bark, or remove it from all of them. If you feel that the build becomes too colourless, barkless acacia logs are also an option.
    • Replace the yellow and red concrete with the same type of log that you picked above.
    • Pick one between basalt, plain stone, or that white stone (I think that it’s modded marble?). The mix is fine in the right building because it’s just stone, but when you’re combining it with other elements it’s making it look too busy.
    • I’m not too hot on the usage of concrete + bricks like you did in the right. Perhaps it would be better to stick to one or another.
    • That amethyst doormat needs to go. It makes your sight gravitate towards the floor.
    • Consider replacing those torches in the building with lanterns, hanging from the roof. The ones nearer to you are a bit trickier, I’d probably try to replace them with froglight or shroomlights.

  • It would be better if you shared a pic of that “ugly mess”. That said I think that it should be fine (rule-wise) to ask it here.

    For now, tips that I can give you:

    • Focus on a theme for that build. The simpler the theme, the easier to get.
    • Find good combos of blocks, and use them somewhat consistently for a feature of your build. For example: I personally like building walls with stone bricks + wood (it’s cheap for survival, and it looks good), while the roof is mostly Nether bricks;
    • Don’t fight against the terrain. Some terraforming is fine; but flatting it all out will make your build look out of place.
    • Use pictures for reference. Copying is 90% of creating.
    • Too much detail is as bad as too little. Find a good balance.

  • People downvoting this post: don’t shoot the messenger.

    I’ll copypaste what I said in ! about this topic:

    As I mentioned in the kbin comm about redditfugees: I think that the platform stopped being sustainable, and that changes like this - either trying to increase engagement or appeasing power users - are only a symptom of that.

    They won’t work, by the way, because of the trust thermocline (the impact of an act violating the users’ trust is considerably greater, if there’s a backstory of trust violations).

    …excuse me while I grab some popcorn. I’m loving to watch this.

    Fun comment (from a user) in that thread:

    Because it’s a Reddit Product Decision, you can always expect one step forward, two steps back, and four steps off in a random direction that makes no sense.
    Can people who used all their gold due to your short-sighted mistake get it back? Haha, no.
    Are you offering any compensation? Sure, we’ll give you some free bullshit. And it expires, so make sure to Drive Engagement and Interact with Posts before the end of the year!
    Wait, you’re replacing the stuff you made arbitrarily expire with a different arbitrarily-expiring currency? You know it.
    Can you use Gold that people give you on other posts? Absolutely not. Gold you are given goes into a big pot where it will remain, serving no purpose, unless you’re like the 0.1% of people on this site who ruthlessly and relentlessly farm for gold and karma. If you’re one of those people, you can financialize your Reddit experience, earning upwards of, like, five bucks!
    I run a subreddit that provides resources for people in mental health crisis or other major medical issues. Can I turn off gilding to stop people boosting bad or unsafe answers? At Reddit, we believe that consumers deserve choice, and in this case, the choice they deserve is to seethe and cope. You absolutely cannot turn this shit off.
    You’re at least blacklisting the really high-risk subs from the new old Gold program, right? Yes. What happens when you inevitably miss a sub and end up causing massive headaches for mods? They can contact us at the Mod Help PO Box in Anchorage, Alaska. When the intern checks the mail in 6 months, we’ll get right on it.
    What if I’m not eligible for the Contributors program? Go fuck yourself.
    Does it work on Old Reddit? What do you think?

    Additional detail: did anyone notice that you can’t log through old.reddit any more? I don’t even have an account there any more, but if you try it, here’s what you get:

    They are already actively removing functionality from old.reddit!

  • Yup, in French that circumflex is kind of etymological. I say “kind of” because that /s/ being dropped changed the pronunciation of the preceding vowel, and depending on the vowel and the modern dialect there might be some leftover of that change; for example ⟨tâche⟩ /tɑʃ/ “task” vs. ⟨tache⟩ /taʃ/ “stain”.

    Originally the diacritic backtracks all the way into Ancient Greek. Back then Greek had a pitch accent, and a vowel could either raise in pitch (so it got an acute, ά) or fall (so it got a grave, ὰ). But some long vowels and diphthongs did both things, raising then fall, so the solution was to mark it with both, as ᾶ. Eventually that circumflex evolved into a tilde-like shape, but that’s a coincidence.

    Other languages might use it for vowel length, vowel quality, stress.

  • If your description of the events is accurate: that’s a shitty mod, and a good example of what I wrote in the last paragraph. We should be denouncing this sort of crap, and avoiding comms where it happens.

    It’s not always so easy to assume that mods are going to be fair. Reporting people comes with a risk.

    I’m not assuming that the mods are going to be fair. I’m taking into account that shitty mods do a favour to you when they out themselves, as they’re basically showing you which comms to avoid.

  • I got the same issue months ago, with Mint. I have a script to switch audio outputs, and it stopped working after… apt upgrade! Apparently what used to be called “hdmi-stereo” is now “hdmi-stereo-extra1”, no idea why.

    In the case of my script, once I got what was going on, I solved it with a simple “if” statement:

    if [[ $(pactl list sinks | grep extra) == "" ]]
      then declare -g mainProfile="hdmi-stereo"
      else declare -g mainProfile="hdmi-stereo-extra1"

    (My system uses pulseaudio. Don’t ask me why. I’m not touching it with a 3m pole.)