• 58 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • La gente sta male 🤣 Hai tutta la mia solidarietà.

    Si tratta di “invisibilità dell’automobile” o “guerra tra poveri”: la maggior parte delle persone non si accorge che il sopruso è quello dello spazio quasi totalmente dedicato alle automobili, e si incazza quando quel poco che rimane viene “minacciato”.

    In più sui media si legge solo di biciclette e monopattini che “sfrecciano” sui marciapiedi, dimenticandosi i 10 morti al giorno realmente provocati dalle auto…

    Tieni duro!

  • What I would do:

    • downgrade to lasf working version (you probably have to uninstall and tben manuslky srlect the version to re-install)

    • check if this bug was ile reported on the source repository of the app. If not do it yourself

    • wait for new version to come out. Check changelog to see if your issue was corrected, and if so install it. Otherwise wait for following version

    In the end if a previous version of the app worked, you can keep it, no reason to upgrade…

  • you get the only thing I openly say it is an opinion (based on my experience anyway) to dismiss all the other points like an opinion where instead I offered some observed facts

    What you reported are anecdotal facts. Things you observed. Objective facts and data are what we need to improve. The fact that you see people not using the bike lane is not relevant.

    • Have you tried to actually count how many people use the bike path and how many not?
      • Do you understand that from someone driving a car, you clearly see a cyclist on the road, while you may dismiss and not even register one on the bike path?
    • Is the one you talk about a bike path at all? Or maybe is it a mixed use path (so one that cyclist don’t have to use)?
      • When I’m riding a bicycle I will always use a bike path, if it is usable; you know, I want to stay alive. I may choose not to use it when mixed because I think it is more dangerous for me and the pedestrians on it. Or if a bike path surface is broken and I would risk falling.

    Did you check these?


    The 3 points you mention as practice are not practice at all. They are theory, they are laws that are usually not respected.

    Obviously if you reduce speed you reduce the possibillity of a fatality. Following this way of thinking, if you reduce the speed to 10 Km/h you reduce even more the crashes and fatalities. Even better, remove the cars, 0 crashes (not sure about 0 fatalities btw).

    30 km/h is only the maximum speed allowed. And it is a compromise that wold allow for a huge reduction of crash damage, while not reducing travel time by much. Because the average speed in cities is, let’s remember that, more in the 10-20 km/h range. So, speeding between red lights does not save anyone’s time, just increase the danger.

    Don’t make me look up for articles about that (please, do it yourself, there is plenty), but the increase of travel times when maximum allowed speed is decreased from 50 to 30 is very low (much, much lower than 50/30 ratio), and the benefits in terms of danger is so high, that it is totally worth it. So the argument “let’s make it 10 km/h” doesn’t make any sense

    we are taking for granted that it is always the car the guilty side

    it’s not a question of who is guilty, it is a question of where the danger comes from. And it doesn’t come from pedestrians or cyclicsts (see my previous post), it comes from cars. Stop signs exist because of cars. Traffic light exist because of cars. Car insurance exist because of cars.

    So my point, in the end, is that concentrating only on the speed, again in my opinion, we are just looking at the most easily factor to “punish”

    No, nobody wants to punish. It is because of facts (not anecdotes). It is because it works in theory and in practice, as I fully documented in my previous post. And I was only taking into consideration the 50 to 30 km/h reduction. It works in all the cases, even highways https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2598360/