• 12 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • There’s no issue de jure. Transnistria is an autonomous territory inside Moldova and EU recognized it as such.

    There is the de facto issue of said territory being unruly, extremely Russian-friendly and host to actual Russian military.

    That issue won’t stand for long however once the ball gets rolling. Moldova has already begun increased strategic cooperation with EU and if the referendum passes and Sandu gets a second term I expect there will be a referendum for amending the Constitution. If that passes, Moldova will be able to ask for military help outright, which will clean up Russian presence in Transnistria in short order.

    Historically speaking I remind you that most prospective EU members have worked towards NATO membership and usually achieved it even before joining EU.

  • I think their main goal is to reduce their platform support rather than diversify it. Using a single desktop app that’s basically webmail inside a wrapper allows them to support basically any OS with a single app.

    The downside for users is that reducing support for IMAP risks of causing lock-in. For better or worse IMAP is the standard way of accessing your messages for backup or to migrate to another provider and discontinuing it would be a very bad move.

    …That doesn’t mean they won’t do it though. For example they have an export feature buried somewhere on their website. They could decide to kill the bridge & IMAP and only offer the export as the sole means of egress. In theory you would not be locked in, in practice who knows what the limitations might be. From a technical point of view, accessing your messages “live” through an IMAP bridge is a lot more secure than requesting a zip of all your messages (which needs to be stored temporarily who knows where).