not much

  • 346 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 8th, 2022


  • I saddens me that it feels like the multi-billion dollar data harvesting companies are winning, but I no longer know if this is a hill that I’m willing to die on.

    It is a very sad thing indeed :(

    What are your thoughts on what we have to give up in our lives just to stay in control of our personal information?

    I guess it depends whether you want to be reachable 24/7 on mobile or not.

    With Signal and with things like WhatsApp and for that matter Telegram a phone number is only required to sign up. And you do not have to restrict yourself to one phone number.

    Actually that is not correct because contacts syncing is another thing. If you are willing to have a private life without Meta and a second life which includes Meta Zuck it is technically possible. Buy a cheap smartphone with another SIM card for signing up and for syncing contacts and then link it to desktop apps that you can check a few times a day to check in with your friends via the Meta Zuck channels. The cheap smartphone can stay off unless you need to sync contacts.

  • Your phone is fine with the new certificates but Linux on the desktop is not. #showerthought Would it be possible that both Arch Linux and Linux Mint have software upgraded that is causing the connection failure ? Could it still work if you would use an older LTS Linux version as live USB stick ? Or would the new certificates actually require newer software, like OpenSSL (which is I think a build dependency for OpenVPN) on the desktop ? EDIT: I guess the latter is not the case since Arch Linux is a rolling distribution. But you could ask your IT persons at the university whether they upgraded something ?

  • On Mastodon (and maybe also Akkoma/Pleroma/Misskey/firefish and so on) there is an option in the settings to auto delete your posts (formerly known as toots) with fine tune options if you for instance want to delete your posts but save your favorites and boosts. Several people have their toots older than one month automatically deleted. Before this was an option in Mastodon, people already did this with help of other software.

    Lemmy is not very similar as StackExchange/SuperUser/Quora but in some threads Lemmy resembles a Q&A site so it makes sense to leave the conversations as is.

    Regarding the most private social media question I’d think of Friendica, Hubzilla, and Pixelfed as best.