uwu owo etc., you know…

  • 9 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Rap was important and had a clear goal; to inspire afroamerican people, kids to learn, to live their life and fight for their rights. to get up from the ghetto, to keep on going, make them see they aren’t alone, they have their backs by the community. (In the US)

    this all was rather successfull.

    but then, I don’t know what rap’s function is today. if there is any… so what you are saying, I can aggree with it, but I tend not to forget what was the original goal of this genre, and this is why I can’t completely dismiss rap.

  • NVU, Dreamweaver were tried to be like this. Only thing that wysiwyg’ing HTML isn’t that easy as one might think, especially nowadays where thousands of web css frameworks exists and every structuring is done via divs.

    You could make your own framework, or select/import one you like, but then the app will have way too much parameter, which needs to be configured by the user. It would be a really neat power tool, though.

    ps.: Funny thing I was just thinking about wysiwyg editors in the recent days 😅

  • kuneho@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldTypes of OS
    9 days ago

    I used mostly Windows systems primarily and I guess I just adapted that habit of having an Administrator account for when shit goes down, and my own user account that has admin rights.

    It’s just convenient. I liked my Administrator account as clean as possible, and I do the same in Linux with root. There is its time and place where I need root.

    But you are right, I should change my habits. I’m not even sure how sudo and rights and environments and sessions and god knows what works exactly behind the scenes, so probably, maybe, there are technical differences too in the way I use these and the way how I should… I don’t know.

    Anyway, thanks for the info.