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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • Let’s examine the stupidity.

    Let’s assume that OP’s assertion that the time and day of the photos is accurate (and who would be shocked to find out it’s bullshit?). Could the people in the photo not be non-remote workers who work evening or night shifts? Restaurant workers for businesses that close between lunch and dinner? People on personal leave or vacation? People who are retired? All of the above? Not every Red-Blooded, Hard-Working American™ has a literal 9-5. Hell they could be stay at home parents taking time for themselves while the kids are in school. Don’t you conservatives love families with stay at home parents?

    And even if every single one of those people work remote, does that mean they’re playing hooky? Could they not be on a scheduled break and using that time to enjoy the park? Could they not have flexible schedules that allow them to break up their day into productive chunks with a midday gap? Maybe they work business with overseas companies, so they live on Japanese time. Could they not also be on leave? Working odd shifts?

    The point is you don’t know, at all, the situation of any single person in these photographs and you have projected a meaning into it that fits an agenda you are pushing. Your assertion without evidence can be rejected and ignored as easily as it was made. Kindly fuck off back to your hole.

  • “Sneak” is a loaded term. I think what you mean is “do their job like they’re supposed to and vote like they usually would.” It’s not like they’re holding a secret/special session under the Republicans noses. They’re just at work when they’re supposed to be and others aren’t. The alternative to “sneaking” legislative action in this case is just not doing their jobs for the day because a bunch of people decided not to show up. 12 people don’t show up, so they send the other 400+ home for the day? Is that the moral expectation?

  • As you said, 4 digits is not enough to make something secure to a computer. 10,000 permutations is milliseconds of computation.The only reason it’s at all secure for a credit card is because you’re generally only using the PIN for in-person transactions where there are more practical limits on attempts (Narrator: “After 2 hours and 632 attempts, the cashier began to get suspicious…”), if not hard cut offs from the bank/processor for failed attempts. If we’re being realistic, as long as your PIN isn’t in the first 3-6 numbers they can try, it’s probably secure enough in itself. Theives want low hanging fruit. Easier to try to social engineer your PIN then to manually brute force it. As long as you’re avoiding the most obvious first attempt numbers, go ahead and use your dog’s birthday or your childhood home’s address. It’s fine.

  • People are saying that their CS Degree took all their time? That’s not my experience at all. My experience is different from most as i failed out of school the first time because i was broke and had to choose between work and attending classes. Being able to feed and house myself won out. I went back to school at age 29 years old to get my degree, though.

    I was a full time student, managed to schedule my classes to fall largely on 3 days a week, was able to attend most of the lectures remotely, had a job the entire time, and used the weekends to get all my homework done. It takes time, but I still played video games sometimes, went to the movies, had time with my wife and family, etc.

    Now the bigger question is the value of a CS degree for you. I agree that you’ll likely learn some new things you don’t pick up from just learning to code on your own. But what of that is truly practical to your ambitions to independently develop games is probably minimal, if it matters at all. It’s not only a big time sink, but a money sink. If you’re not going to use the degree for employment, and the theory and math you’d learn in for you degree isn’t going to apply to what you want to do, I’d not recommend the investment.

    If anything, spend a few weeks is a coding bootcamp, save years of your time and thousands of your dollars, and they’ll cover your bases on what you need to know for practical programming. I’m a data engineer and many of my peers have unrelated degrees but just went through a boot camp to learn to code. But honestly, if you’ve been coding projects for 5 years, I doubt they’re going to teach you anything profoundly new either. Neither a degree nor a boot camp ever teaches you everything you need for any given job or project anyway. There’s always going to be more to learn as you do. When it comes to programming, experience, practice and willingness to learn are the most valuable things to have. Just make sure you learn and follow best practices and internalize some software engineering principles. They will save you time and effort in the long run.

    Edit: Also, the amount of pressure and crunch you experience will differ from employer to employer. But my job is pretty chill. I am not expected to work more than 40 hours a week and usually do not unless I’m on a support rotation which I am 3 weeks out of the year. I have more than 5 weeks off a year between holidays, pto, sick leave, and vacation. And my job is hybrid (formerly all remote, but that’s unfortunately getting rarer), so I get to work from home 3 days a week. It’s not bad at all.