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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • That’s the thing I’ve never understood about the “tyranny of the majority” folks, they’re just arguing that we should do what fewer people think is the right thing to do and that seems objectively worse. If a majority of people disagree with you then you either work to change their minds or be introspective and see if you need to change yours. Sometimes you’ll have to suck it up and deal with the fact that neither of those options will work but that’s just the way it is. There is no alternative that works in the long term.

  • Yeah but that’s how some people describe Trump. I can’t fathom how one could listen to him speak without getting the impression that he’s a narcissistic moron but that’s how it goes I guess.

    I think that begs the question of whether or not many felt that way about Hitler in 1930s Germany. I’m guessing he was well spoken enough that even those that disliked his message didn’t have the same opinion of him that I do of Trump. They likely saw him as a threat and someone to fear for his ability to sway others to his cause. Trump seems successful largely in spite of himself which is odd, but again I can’t see anything other than a clown with little man syndrome so maybe they are successful for largely the same reasons. They do have a lot of similarities. I just have to imagine Hitler was more cunning and less sniveling.

  • And you seem to think two years is basically no time at all. Think about how much awful shit Republicans got up to under Trump. Approximately half of that got done in a two year period and that was even a historically deadlocked Congress. Democrats lost in 2010 precisely because two years is a long time and the best thing they got out of it was a shitty healthcare plan that, more than anything, ensured our current unsustainable system stays in place for at least another generation.

    Democrats are obviously much better than Republicans in basically every sense of the word, but Republicans get their legislation passed when they have the chance and Democrats trip all over themselves trying to appease the idiots who will never join their coalition. They could learn a lot from Republicans about pushing their agenda but it seems pretty clear by now they aren’t going to.

  • Do you guys have that much control over when and where you poop? I see this idea of “just hold it in until you get to your preferred location” fairly regularly and that seems insane to me. It’s not like my poops are an imminent emergency every time but I definitely couldn’t hold it in more than an hour or maybe two on the high end, and that would be pretty uncomfortable. That’s not enough time to get home in many cases. In other words, when it hits, I shits.

  • That concept is lost on so many people and I don’t understand why. One of the last teams I was on had two weekly meetings. One was 9:00 AM Monday morning and the other was 4:00 PM on Fridays. They were both running through all of our projects and always seemed surprised that the Monday update was the same as the previous Friday update.