• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • kofe@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzChicken vs Egg
    2 days ago

    Well some of us are not only ignorant but had our critical thinking skills to varying levels stunted by shitty education. To me the answer didn’t necessarily matter as long as people agree both exist, but I’m glad to now have an answer grounded in science rather than relying on philosophical musing

  • I get what you meant by the question but I’m trying to demonstrate that it is impossible for us to conceptualize what nothingness is without something. It’s a philosophical issue that science can’t answer. You’re welcome to whatever beliefs and answers to the question you like, but without a way to falsify it, that’s all it is. A belief* (edited correction to autocorrect). Not scientific truth.

    Further edit: just to be sure I’m clear, you’ve asked me to imagine what life was like before I was born, thereby pointing to my birth, which is something. My life is something. I don’t know what life would be like without

  • the backlash from this improper use will impede access for the people who really need it

    You aren’t her or any of the multiple doctors that have evaluated and tried various treatments with her. If you want to get into research and help look for cures for the vast, vast number of illnesses that contribute to people seeking this treatment, please do. Or help advocate for more money being funneled towards healthcare (including for education and training), cuz from what I understand there’s not a single country or healthcare system that has adequate resources to help everyone just in terms of the number of people available to provide what treatments we do have

  • As far as I can tell, reputable sources placed Clinton in the lead for 2016 with some margin of error to account for the electoral college. She did win the popular vote, so the polls I’ve seen were correct. Similar for Biden, but he had a larger lead in states that Clinton previously didn’t.

    Sorry, I’m on my phone or I’d put more work in here, but you’re the one with the concern anyway so I’d think it would be better if you took the time to demonstrate your claim more thoroughly.

  • kofe@lemmy.worldtoCyanide and Happiness@lemm.ee6 May 2024
    13 days ago

    It’s funny to me cuz I confronted my parents priest as I was getting skeptical about religion in my mind 20s. I specifically brought up not believing Mary could be a virgin, and his response was “it’s in the Bible, just go read it!” MF that’s why I’m here, I already read the damn thing.