• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I’m not American, but from my perspective, the modern interpretation of your second amendment seems to cause way more oppression than it relieves in practice.

    Also, if there is a group of people with the “conviction” to kill other people with lethal force, that would be exactly where police should be getting involved.

    Getting a bit off-topic, but since you brought it up I’d be remiss not to respond.

  • The white supremacists usually have a large number of firearms and actively use the second amendment.

    Seems like the perfect situation for a hyper-militarized police force to me.

    (Not to say I think the government should deploy a proto-military force against protests, but like, if they’re doing it anyway…)

  • It’s very possible I’m misremembering.

    Tried looking the receipt up out of curiosity, but it was before 2010, so it would have been on my old hotmail account. Managed to get logged into that, but Microsoft has deleted all my old emails, so that’s unfortunate.

    As far as looking online, I see a few places where people are having this exact same $5 / $10 debate, but neither side seems to have proof.

    At this point, I’m just gonna say you’re probably right, lol.

  • I was thinking something along these lines too - making it more of a “character drama” rather than a large-scale political thing.

    Like, maybe the cult does decide to kill these characters, so they assign a particular NPC (or maybe a duo of NPCs?) to do the job.

    Depending on the tone of the campaign, these would-be-executioners could be humorously incompetent, or they could secretly side with the party, or they could have some other interesting quirks that make them something the party can deal with - maybe they bicker a lot and it takes their focus away from the PCs enough for them to make a move, or maybe they recognize one of the PCs from childhood, or myriad other possibilities.