• 6 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Not quite, in order to have a technology you need methods, materials and society needs to be ready for the tech.

    I recently learned that 50 years ago someone filed a patent for solar panels with more than 20% efficiency and the us government was like yeah its too revolutionary so you can’t sell this nor tell anyone about this unless it is US military. Imagine we all could have had >20% solar panels 50 years ago, even today we are only marginally above 20% efficiency.

    Another example, would be the company who made the iPhone like device well before iPhone but the market wasn’t ready.

    Another example that is fucked up. Governments are starting to restrict AI for consumers but also using AI to kill children in Gaza.

    I’m pretty sure a lot early doctors were also burned at stakes because they were called witches or smth.

  • All the latest models are trained on synthetic data generated on got4. Even the newer versions of gpt4. Openai realized it too late and had to edit their license after Claude was launched. Human generated data could only get us so far, recent phi 3 models which managed to perform very very well for their respective size (3b parameters) can only achieve this feat because of synthetic data generated by AI.

    I didn’t read the paper you mentioned, but recent LLM have progressed a lot in not just benchmarks but also when evaluated by real humans.

  • Lol this reminds me of a time when I had KDE desktop environment installed on vanilla ubuntu. I thought I didn’t really need ubuntu’s default desktop environment and decided to ‘purge’ it. I quickly realized my f up when it deleted so many packages and ui started to act weird, I copied the shell’s output to a file just incase, and sure enough I couldn’t login with ui on next reboot. I was somehow able to login to shell and with some awk magic I was able to parse the text file to get all the packages I deleted and lo and behold everything worked just fine. Linux let’s you f’up your OS but it also let’s you fix it, it’s just a skill issue.