• 6 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • This just comes down to the fact that “dividing by a fraction is the same as multiplying by the inverse of the fraction” is an easy rule to follow but not particularly intuitive. In natural language, when most people hear “divide by half” they’re actually picturing “divide by two” in their head.

  • Not every side street is worthy of building out a whole intersection for, or slowing down traffic for. Maybe if there actually is that much traffic turning left, but I suspect if that were the case it’s likely at very specific times of day. And what, are you going to restrict cars off the side street to turning right and then making a u-turn? That’s not better, especially if it’s a long way to the next intersection.

    This is just a common as dirt configuration, especially in rural areas. I don’t find it remarkable at all.