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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: April 5th, 2024


  • Oh hacking a 2ds was one of the best decisions I’ve made in a long time. For starters, all 3ds to gbc games run natively, and that’s already a lot more games I could play in a lifetime. Then i can emulate almost any retro console there and it’s dead easy to find replacement batteries and such. 0 bullshit needed. Not an ad in sight.

  • I have (too many) siblings both older and younger and, at least in my family’s experience, sometimes parents need to see this in action before realizing their behavior/parenting isn’t right.

    Take my family as an example, I’ve been years when i was a teenager complaining about how they treated me and my nearest sisters, which failed miserably as they didn’t change and we ended up pretty fucked up mentally and one of them migrated and doesn’t want to come back even to the same country. Some years later, I tried basically parenting my 2 youngest brothers, but respecting certain topics where my (religious) parents are a bit too sensitive. The first one has been the most peaceful teenage man in our family by far, and my parents noticed how i was approaching him (something similar to OP, but pre-shut in? Basically tried giving him an ally when possible). They changed their ways only after seeing their previous failures and a more healthy result.

    … Tho it’s worth nothing they have 1 child left to raise and most people doesn’t have enough kids to have a full damn hero’s journey about parenting lol

  • Not true because we’re getting the same experience whether we pay or not. The same kinda goes for google, they have other services you could pay to support them (please don’t), and it won’t make the search engine better. Big difference is one of them is actually free (full meaning of the word) and the other one is just usable without paying.

    You’re still using a free platform to say good free software is not a thing tho, kinda weird.

  • Doesn’t mean the statement is less true, the enshitification of google is a symptom, the disease is the internet as a whole. Google and LLMs screwing the web, M$ screwing windows, Apple’s existence by itself, Meta monopolizing and screwing social media, and don’t get me started with streaming platforms and other media industries are all symtoms.

    Considering all of that, yes, the internet enshitification is very real.

  • If you’re going through that route, SearX beats everything and it’s not even close. It’s self hosted and takes search results from any engine you check in a config, different config for search categories, … Rn I’m mostly getting results from brave, qwant, and duckduck. Gotta acknowledge the bing copilot tho, it’s pretty decent, but requires to use edge or bing app in android, so i only use it when I’m lazy or I’m searching for something too obscure for searx.

  • Ok ok, let me understand you:

    • You had bad experiences with people of the other gender.
    • You think now that every man is exactly the same, and if they don’t, they’re just evil manipulators who want to hide their true evil nature.
    • You’re complaining about people who generalize with the other gender because of their past experiences (aka. sexists).
    • You 100% agree with the post, so you support neglecting people’s feelings as long as they’re from the other gender.

    So… Are you a sexist incel? Why should men respect your feelings or validate your past experiences then? Stop trying to solve sexism with more sexism, it doesn’t work like that. And please don’t disrespect me or assume shit from my personal life amymore, it’s just lame.

  • jnk@sh.itjust.workstomemes@lemmy.worldA bit late
    4 days ago

    You should be ashamed of your peers

    That’s exactly the war crime mentioned before. How is that different from blaming every german for being from the same country as nazis?

    Edit: The nazi analogy was just me trying to find an example that even a moron could understand.

    … I failed miserably