Mexicanadian animator and comic artist.

  • 26 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: November 21st, 2023


  • Or reuse some already-built housing. Large condo buildings cause gentrification; buy a portion of the units and make them affordable housing, below or non-market units. You save yourself the trouble and the building expenses, you can still raise taxes on ‘land-owners’ and you house people in dire need of housing. You also revitalize and degentrify areas. A lot of condos are owned as second-homes that are rented out, so the owners wont be unhoused. If they are concerned about loss of income, we all get together, push for raising taxes on the richest and on corporations and implement universal basic income.

    (As an aside, a lot of buildings not-intended for housing that are not occupied can be repurposed as housing. We just need political will).

  • It’s not even about panic-building, just making it easier from a legislative point of view to get them done. Offer incentives and grants. The simplest more straightforward solution would be that there was a percentage of units in every new building destined for non-market, and slowly ‘convert’ units to non-market units in older buildings too.

    EDIT: Aware that ‘simplest more straightforward’ has a very armchair-expert ring to it. I meant it in a ‘this is a legitimate proposal they have the power to push and achieve’ kind of way.