• 2 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: November 27th, 2023


  • If going from richest to second richest is finding out after fucking around? Yeah no.

    Unless it actually changes significantly this manchilds daily life, it’s not finding out(and I mean changes to more like any other human on earth, not changes from bragging about being rich on Twitter, to crying about not being richest on drumpfSocial).

    I mean seriously. A worth of “only” 194,600,000,000? It’s almost like he could equally split that between 97,299 other people (2,000,000 each) and none of them would HAVE to work another day in their lives.

    What the fuck have we done with society, when we have collectively decided that this person is worth 7,784,000 years (average 80yrs/person) and everyone else can go fuck themselves.

    What does “excess” even mean?

  • As far as heating efficiency goes, servers aren’t really that good. 100% efficiency as all the electricity they use ends up as heat. Compare with heat pumps that can get 300+% efficiency.

    What I do is have my server in the same “room” as my water heater (share airspace), and use a heat pump electric water heater.

    At least then all the heat my server makes is used for something good, instead of extra AC usage in summer (winter is a wash, as I need the heat in the house anyways)

  • The only difference here is, you’re born with the tools you have, so you use what you need to make them do what you want. He bought this one specifically with the flaw when others without the flaw are available (though with different specs or price).

    I see this post as a rant by someone who didn’t do some research, refused to use what was available to protect the purchase, and is blaming the manufacturer for them buying it.