invalidusernamelol [he/him]

  • 20 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2020


  • Some of the best sources are actually the ones with clear ideological bents because you can filter the whole story knowing where they’re coming from.

    Most of the sources used by communist theorists are capitalist rags (Economist has been around for well over a century and has a very clear bias) and industrial magazines (banking, mining, light industry) to understand the positions of the bourgeoisie and then direct interviews and union meeting minutes to understand the positions of the workers.

  • I’ll ban immediately if someone is trying to harm comrades, but letting debate bros wallow in shit for a while is fun.

    I also usually only get like 3-4 reports/month here. Admins are good at handing the really bad stuff and my job as moderator is basically just this and occasionally telling someone to put an NFSW tag on a post.

    Not that there aren’t reportable posts, but the general vibe of this site is to allow users to self moderate as much as possible and only step in when absolutely necessary, and stepping in usually means a lifetime ban.